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Meeting/Event Schedule

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In restructuring Student Senate, instead of broad committees, we have decided to focus on single projects within each of the committees and pursue them with greater projected success.


Increase Student Spirit/Involvement

Student attendance at Theatre productions, student shows, sports games and meets (besides a select few) is rather abysmal. Student Senate is interested in looking toward incentivizing attending student events (earning points towards free muffins? free CCHS gear? stickers), lowering the cost of attending Football Games and such, as well as increasing awareness of such events. The short-lived spirit of Spirit Week should live on throughout the year.

Intended Implementation: Ongoing

Senate Constitution

As it currently stands, the Senate Constitution does not match the active position of Senate or its policies. We need a complete overhaul and reworking of the Constitution to match what Senate has evolved to be, as well as allow it to continue to grow.

Intended Implementation: January 2020

Passing Time/Scheduling Issues:

We aim to provide more student input into the schedules created by the administration, especially the reduction of passing time between lunch blocks which often makes it hard for students to make it to class on time. We would want to work with the administration to better understand both sides of the issue and improve upon them.

Intended Implementation: Ongoing

Art Around the School

In our brand new building, the amenities and focus both on conservation and student wellbeing is wonderful. However, the walls are mostly bare with scattered flyers and some art. We would want to work with the administration to both preserve the quality of the building but also make it into more of a hospitable, welcoming area for students to prosper.

Intended Implementation: Ongoing

Student Senate Website

The Senate website, while helpful, lacks many interactive elements to truly utilize it's full potential. The Job Board needs improvement (to see which jobs are filled and not filled, and more awareness). Updating the website often falls in the hands of one person which makes the work time-consuming and error-prone. Most importantly, we need to decide what would benefit the Student Senate website and would detracts from it, in order to gain more web traffic and student interest. The committee would also assist in running the website

Intended Implementation: Ongoing

Improving College Planning Services

The Guidance Department restlessly works to get us prepared for the college admissions process, however there are much too many of us. Senate would like to create some sort of guide, or online resource where it would be easier to get help about the college process instantly. Much like expensive tutors, expensive college counselors should not be a prerequisite to getting into top schools

Intended Implementation: 2019-2020 School Year

Senate-Student Government Summit

The roles of Senate and Student Government, over the past couple of years, have become muddled together. This would be an opportunity for Student Government and Senate to get together to talk about these responsibilities and decide what the purpose of each organization is. It would also increase communication between the two bodies.

Intended Implementation: May 2020