If you are need of a replacement charger, stylus or your iPad is damaged, please call your home school. 

The Jamf Parent App is a tool that allows parents to have more control over their students iPad! Check out the directions below on how to setup your Jamf Parent App! 

Jamf Parent - Pairing Process

This video will take you through the steps of pairing your student's iPad with your personal device's Jamf Parent app.

Jamf Parent - Proceso para Padres (En Español)

Con este video, los guiaremos paso a paso para poder enlazar el Ipad de sus Estudiantes con la aplicación de Jamf Parent de su dispositivo personal.

Jamf Parent - Parent Tools

This video will walk you through all the tools you have in the Jamf Parent app and how to use them with your student's iPad.

iPad Acceptable Use Agreement

CCS iPad Acceptable Use Agreement .pdf
spanish Copy of CCS iPad Acceptable Use Agreement .pdf