logician, senior scientist, and director of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Email: cintula(at)cs.cas.cz
Research interests
reasoning with graded notions
non-classical modal and predicate logics
(abstract) algebraic logic
mathematical fuzzy logic
substructural logics
non-classical mathematics
Basic scientometric data
1 monograph, 49 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 18 papers in conference proceedings, and 4 book chapters
Citations: 1000+ indexed by Web of Science, 3250+ by Google Scholar, and 400+ by MathSciNet
H-index: 20 by Web of Science, 30 by Google Scholar, and 11 by MathSciNet
P. Cintula, C. Noguera. Logic and Implication: An Introduction to the General Algebraic Study of Non-classical Logics. Volume 57 of Trends in Logic. Springer, 2021. 486 pages. [Errata]
Edited books
P. Cintula, C. Fermüller, C. Noguera. Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - Volume 3. Volume 58 of Studies in Logic, Mathematical Logic and Foundations. College Publications, London, 2015. 384 pages.
P. Cintula, P. Hájek, C. Noguera. Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - Volume 2. Volume 38 of Studies in Logic, Mathematical Logic and Foundations. College Publications, London, 2011. 480 pages.
P. Cintula, P. Hájek, C. Noguera. Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - Volume 1. Volume 37 of Studies in Logic, Mathematical Logic and Foundations. College Publications, London, 2011. 492 pages.
P. Cintula, C. Fermüller, L. Godo, P. Hájek. Understanding Vagueness. Logical, Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives. Volume 36 of Studies in Logic. College Publications, London, 2011. 421 pages.
P. Cintula, Z. Haniková, V. Švejdar. Witnessed Years: Essays in Honour of Petr Hájek. Volume 37 of Tributes. College Publications, London, 2009. 416 pages.