
I am a Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG, Brazil, since 2009, where I teach my courses and conduct my researches and projects.

My researches are focused on applied IoT, with emphasis on energy efficiency aspects like data vis, intelligent management systems and user experience. Another research line is Computer Education with emphasis on computational thinking, learning analytics, digital citizenship and women in STEM (take a look at Elas@Computacao Group). I am part of the Network and Distributed Systems Group (under the Distributed Systems Lab) and the Technology and Education Group in UFCG.  

My teaching activities include undergraduate courses associated with the Computer Science Undergraduate Program at UFCG, and graduate courses with the Computer Science Graduate Program at UFCG, when I am still a faculty member, advising masters and PhD students

More details of my academic activities you can find on my CV published at Cnpq/Lattes platform.

You can find me at UFCG:

LSD - Sala Serra Preta - 0xx83 - 2101 1648

Or anywhere:

livia at computacao dot ufcg dot edu dot br 

Posting address (at UFCG): 

Lívia Maria Rodrigues Sampaio Campos

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Departamento de Sistemas e Computação

Laboratório de Sistemas Distribuídos

Av. Aprígio Veloso, s/n

Caixa Postal: 10.106

Cep: 58.429-900, Campina Grande-PB-Brasil

Bloco CO