Roosevelt Middle

Dear Roosevelt Middle School Family!

I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and well during this unprecedented and challenging time. Words cannot begin to express how much we miss seeing your smiling faces and interacting with you! Teachers are missing interacting with their students and collaborating with one another. They are concerned about potential gaps in student learning as well. In order to address some of those concerns and support the continuum of learning of our students during this unprecedented time, Compton Unified School District has established our Distance Learning Platform.

On this new online platform, you will find learning opportunities for your child that are located in our teachers' Google Classrooms. These assignments will continue to be updated in the coming weeks. Please reach out to our teachers via e-mail for assistance and clarification of assignments and expectations.

In addition to our Teacher’s Google Classrooms, we understand that some of you may not have a device or connectivity at this point. Please know that we will continue preparing Activity Learning Packets, which will be available at our school. Stop by to get our packets until you have connectivity access!

We are also sharing with you access to some fantastic resources provided by the Los Angeles Office of Education. It is called AT-HOME LEARNING PLATFORM and it can be reached at

Thank you for your patience as we all navigate this new way of learning. We understand that everyone is making a transition that will take some time. Please keep in mind that we are all on this new learning journey together.

We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Continue to call the school if you have questions or concerns. We can be reached at (310) 898-6040. Also, check Parent Square for school and district updates. If you have not done so already, accept the invitation to join.

We look forward to seeing you back at school. Until then, stay safe and healthy!

Dr. Rigoberto Roman, Principal

Ixchel Gill-Stanford, Assistant Principal

Eric Garcia, Assistant Principal

Dr. Christine Mendoza, Assistant Principal

Google Classroom Teacher List by Subject

Join Google Classroom Instructions

Google Classroom Quick Guide for Parents (English)
Google Classroom Reference Guide for Parents (Spanish)