[Business Essentials]

Our mission is to empower agents to achieve their long-term goals through
chaos control, financial wellness, and acquisition and succession planning.

We aim to equip you to be a strong business owner
in addition to being a strong salesperson.

"Business Essentials equips you with the foundations and tools that every real estate agent must have in place to run and elevate her business: processes and systems, financial management, and growth and succession planning.  The two-day workshop is informative, engaging and fun, and you leave with a clear sense of what you need to do to take action and implement.

Susie Adamson is the process and systems queen.  She breaks down what could be very overwhelming and streamlines it so you can organize yourself for success.  You walk away realizing that you absolutely cannot scale your business if you're not organized.

Eliza Michiels is the team's money management and financial literacy expert.  She is passionate about getting your nuts and bolts finances in order, which is essential for a real estate agent, or any entrepreneur running her own business.  

Jennifer Vick is a relationships guru and a true visionary whose perspective opens up your eyes to how to nurture your business to set it up for future expansion or acquisition.  The guidance and roadmaps she shares are invaluable to agents at any stage of growth." - Amie Pisano, Compass Principal | Co-Leader, The Foundations Team

"I still have not gotten over our two days together. I stand by what I told you all in person...this was the BEST Compass training I have ever been to. I have a laundry list of tactical, smart, strategic, easy-digestible items to walk away with. I feel totally energized and ready to take on 2024. Truly, I can't thank you three enough." - Jenna Citron Pinchuk, Compass Principal | Team Citron