AIS-EDU International Mid-term Conference
13-14-15 April 2023
NEW! The conference proceedings are now available here
Education as Commons
Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education
To rethink today education as commons (i.e. educational commons) implies the attempt to reverse contemporary neoliberal processes of enclosure and commodification of education and radically transform the substance of teaching, learning, research, and institutions into a common good that nurtures openness, inclusion, direct engagement in public and collective life, autonomy and self-reliance (Pechtelidis & Kioupkiolis 2020). As such, education as commons is intrinsically linked to the various dimensions of identity formation in political, cultural, and economic life rather than simply in the transmission of formal knowledge. It also questions how citizenship education has been traditionally defined and enacted (Dardot & Laval, 2014). This is the case especially in formal educational contexts where agendas and processes are often pre-established according to a dominant narrative that casts children’s participation in developmental terms of what is lacking and yet-to-be achieved by them. An approach that disregards their actual activities as citizens in the present and models their participation on adult-driven conceptions of voice and democracy. In this path to education as commons, the notion of “subjectification” takes precedence over “socialization” (Biesta 2011), resituating children as agents not engaged in passive absorption but in active adaptive construction. Education as commons implies a more cooperative and egalitarian mode of governance, participation and citizenship and the turning of learning and governance processes into a collective good that is co-produced by all community members.
Building on the notion of education as commons (or educational commons), any contributor may submit only one abstract on one of the following topics:
● School and social inclusion
● Effects of New Public Management on research and teaching in Higher Education
● Education as commons in formal, non-formal and informal education
● School-family relationships and conflicts
● The commodification of career guidance and orientation
● The platformisation of education
● Educational commons and technologies: risks and opportunities
● Teaching today. Profession, evaluation, training.
● Aims and effects of school evaluation
● School governance and policies
● Childhood and youth
● Migration and education
● Adult education
● The school and the reproduction of social and gender inequalities
● Actions and proposals for imagining new ways of conceiving and organizing educational spaces, subjects, and knowledge.
The abstract and panel proposal submission has been extended to DECEMBER 18th 2022
UPDATE: Notification of acceptance will be sent by January 22, 2023
Abstracts must be sent by November 30th, 2022, by filling in the following form:
They must be written in English and should include:
Author(s) institutional affiliation
Correspondent author’s email address
Structured synthesis of the contribution: aims and relevance, methods, results (300 words max + 5 keywords).
The Scientific Board of the Conference will select abstracts for oral presentations.
Submitters will receive notification by January 1st, 2023.
Registration should be done on the conference website by February 19th 2023.
Panel proposals must include the following elements:
The title of the panel and a short description (max. 100 words)
The names and academic affiliations of the contributors, titles of their presentations and each of their abstracts.
Panel proposals can include a maximum of 5/6 abstracts and must be sent to:
English is the official language of the conference, but other European languages are welcome: Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Contributors should provide slides or other presentation materials in English but may deliver the oral presentation in any of the above-mentioned languages.
Contacts have been made for a possible publication of selected papers in special issues of the following peer-reviewed journals:
For info:
International Scientific Board
David Buckingham, Loughborough University (United Kingdom)
Leopoldo Cabrera Rodríguez, Universidad de Laguna (Spain)
Gianna Cappello, University of Palermo (Italy)
Andrea Casavecchia, Roma Tre University (Italy)
Giulia Maria Cavaletto, University of Padua (Italy)
Maddalena Colombo, Catholic University Milan (Italy)
Cristiano Corsini, Roma Tre University (Italy)
Susana da Cruz Martins, University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal)
Marie David, University of Nantes (France)
Orazio Giancola, University of Rome, La Sapienza (Italy)
Paolo Landri, CNR- IRPPS (Italy)
Francesca Lagomarsino, University of Genoa (Italy)
Marta García Lastra, University of Cantabria (Spain)
Fabio Massimo Lo Verde, University of Palermo (Italy)
Ruggero Iori, Cergy Paris Université (France)
Andrea Maccarini, University of Padua (Italy)
Maurizio Merico, University of Salerno (Italy)
Lorenzo Migliorati, University of Bergamo (Italy)
Emanuela Spanò, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Lia Pappámikail, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (Portugal)
Filippo Pirone, University of Paris Est Créteil (France)
Marco Pitzalis, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Yannis Pechtelidis, University of Thessaly (Greece)
Donatella Poliandri, INVALSI (Italy)
Luísa Quaresma, Autonomous University of Chile (Chile)
Maria Ranieri, University of Florence (Italy)
Marco Romito, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
Mariagrazia Santagati, Catholic University Milan (Italy)
Luca Salmieri, University of Rome, La Sapienza (Italy)
Roberto Serpieri, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Assunta Vitteritti, University of Rome, La Sapienza (Italy)
Local organising team
Gianna Cappello, University of Palermo (scientific coordinator)
Marianna Siino, University of Palermo
Anna Fici, University of Palermo
Roberta di Rosa, University of Palermo
Gaetano Gucciardo, University of Palermo
Marilena Macaluso, University of Palermo
Francesca Rizzuto, University of Palermo
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 101004491