My Publications

a. Ph.D. Dissertation:

“Conversation Networks as Communication Networks” (Hebrew), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1981. Supervised by Professor Elihu Katz, 279 pp.

b. Books:

1. Weimann, Gabriel and Conrad Winn, 1986. Hate on Trial: The Zundel Case, the Media and Public Opinion in Canada, Toronto: Mosaic Press, Canada, 201 pp.2. Weimann, Gabriel and Conrad Winn, 1993. The Theater of Terror: The Mass Media and International Terrorism, New York: Longman Publishing/Addison-Wesley, 295 pp.3. Weimann, Gabriel, 1994. The Influentials: People Who Influence People, New York: State University of New York Press (SUNY), 380 pp.4. Weimann, Gabriel, 2000. Communicating Unreality: Mass Media and Reconstruction of Realities, Los Angeles: Sage Publications. 440 pp.5. Weimann, Gabriel and Baruch Nevo, 2001. The Singaporean Enigma, Jerusalem: Zivonim, 248 pp. (H).6. Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, The New Challenges. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press., 309 pp.7. Kaplan, Abraham and Gabriel Weimann, 2011. Freedom and Terror: Reason and Unreason in Politics , London: Routledge, 189 pp.8. Weimann, Gabriel, 2015. Social Research for Democracy: The Story of the Israeli Institute of Applied Social Research. Jerusalem: Zivonim (forthcoming) (H).9. Weimann, Gabriel, 2015; 2019. Terror in Cyberspace: The Next Generation, New York: Columbia University Press. Translated to Chinese, published in China , 2019.

c. Monographs:

1. Weimann, Gabriel and Tamir Sheafer, 2004. The Quality of Coverage: Analysis of Media Coverage of Israeli Elections. Monograph, Tel Aviv: Herzog Institute for Communication, Society and Politics.2. Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. WWW.Terror.Net: How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet. Special Research Report, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace.3. Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. Cyberterrorism: How Real Is the Threat?, Special Research Report, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace.4. Tustin, D.H., D. van Vuuren, J.P.R. Joubert and G. Weimann (2006). An Exploratory Study on Influencer Marketing in South Africa. Research Report published by the Bureau of Market Research, Pretoria: University of South Africa (71 pp.).5. Weimann, Gabriel, Yariv Tsfati and Rebekah Tukachinsky 2006. The Media Coverage of the Israeli 2006 Elections, Herzog Institute Report, University of Tel Aviv, (H), (37 pp.).6. Weimann, Gabriel. 2007. The Israeli Public’s Criticism of the Media During the Labanon War of 2006, Rotchild-Cesarea School Series on Media in Wartime, University of Tel Aviv (H), (33 pp.).7. Erez, Edna, Weimann, Gabriel and Weisburd, Aaaron. 2011. Jihad, Crime, and the Internet: Content Analysis of Jihadist Forum Discussions. Report submitted toThe National Institute of Justice (NIH), Washington, DC (160 pp). Available at:

d. Articles in Refereed Journals and Books:

(H=in Hebrew)8. Weimann, Gabriel, 1982. “On the Importance of Marginality: One More Step into the Two Step Flow of Communication”, American Sociological Review, 47 (6): 764 773.9. Weimann, Gabriel, 1982. “The Prophecy that Never Fails: On the Uses and Gratifications of Horoscope Reading”, Sociological Inquiry, 52 (4): 274 290.10. Weimann, Gabriel, 1982. “Dealing with Bureaucracy: The Effectiveness of Persuasive Appeals”, Social Psychology Quarterly, 45 (3): 136 144.11. Weimann, Gabriel, 1982. “The Diffusion of Pre Election Polls in the Israeli Press”, State, Government and International Relations, 19:132 145 (H).12. Weimann, Gabriel, 1983. “Every Day is Election Day”, in E., D. Caspi and A. Diskin (Eds.), The Roots of Begin’s Success: The 1981 Israeli Elections, London: Croom Helm: 273-293.13. Weimann, Gabriel, 1983. “The Theater of Terror: The Effects of Press Coverage”, Journal of Communication: 33: 38 45.14. Weimann, Gabriel, 1983. “Pre Election Polls in the Israeli Press”, Journalism Quarterly, 60: 283 300.15. Weimann, Gabriel, 1983. “The Not So Small World: Ethnicity and Acquaintance Networks in Israel”, Social Networks, 5: 289 302.16. Weimann, Gabriel, 1983. “On the Strength of Weak Conversational Ties”, Social Networks, 5: 245 267.17. Weimann, Gabriel, 1984. “Images of America: The Impact of Americanized Television in Israel”, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 8: 185 197.18. Weimann, Gabriel, 1984. “Cross Ethnic Acquaintance Networks in Israel”, Megamot, 28: 444 454 (H).19. Weimann, Gabriel, 1985. “Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Labeling Terrorism in the Israeli Press”, Political Communication and Persuasion, 2(4): 433 445.20. Weimann, Gabriel, 1985. “Network Analysis of a Kibbutz Community”, The Kibbutz, 11:37 46 (H).21. Weimann, Gabriel, 1985. “Sex Differences in Dealing with Bureaucracy”, Sex Roles, 12: 777 790.22. Weimann, Gabriel, 1985. “Mass Mediated Occultism”, Journal of Popular Culture, 19: 81 88.23. Fishman, Gideon and G. Weimann, 1985. “Presenting the Victim: Sex Bias in Press Reports on Crime”, Justice Quarterly, 2 (4): 491 503.24. Weimann, Gabriel and Conrad Winn, 1986. “The Misperception of Public Opinion: The Canadian Nazi Trials and Their Implications”, Political Science, 3: 54 57.25. Gabor, Tom and Gabriel Weimann, 1987. “La Couverture du Crime Par la Presse: Un Portrait Fidele ou Deforme”, Criminologie, 20(1): 79 98.26. Weimann, Gabriel, 1987. “New Religions: From Fear to Faith”, The Canadian Journal of Sociology, vol. 12 (3): 216 228.27. Weimann, Gabriel, 1987. “Media Events: The Case of International Terrorism”, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 31 (1): 21 39.28. Weimann, Gabriel and Tom Gabor, 1987. “Placing the Blame for Crime in Press Reports”, Deviant Behavior, 8 (3): 283 297.29. Weimann, Gabriel, 1987. “Conceptualizing the Effects of Mass Mediated Terrorism”, Political Communication and Persuasion, 4: 213 216.30. Fishman, Gideon, Gabriel Weimann and Arye Rattner, 1987 “The Effect of Ethnicity on Crime Attribution”, Criminology, 25(3): 1201 1218.31. Weimann, Gabriel and Gideon Fishman, 1988. “Attribution of Responsibility: Sex based Bias in Press Reports on Crime”, European Journal of Communication, 3: 415 430.32. Weimann, Gabriel, Gideon Fishman and Arye Rattner, 1988. “Social Distance and Misidentification”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 27 (3): 217 225.33. Weimann, Gabriel, 1988. “Mass Mediated Theater of Terror: Must the Show Go On?”, in Bruck, P. (ed.), The News Media and Terrorism, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1 22.34. Weimann, Gabriel, 1988. “Critics in the Theater of Terror: Weimann’s Reply”, in Bruck, P. (Ed.), The News Media and Terrorism, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 79 84.35. Weimann, Gabriel, Arye Rattner and Gideon Fishman, 1988. “Who is Visually Perceived as a Criminal?”, Megamot, 31 (2): 208 220 (H).36. Weimann, Gabriel and Hans Bernd Brosius, 1989. “The Predictability of International Terrorism: A Time Series Analysis”, Journal of Terrorism, 11(6): 491 502.37. Weimann, Gabriel, 1989. “Social Networks and Communication”, in M. Asante and W.B. Gudykunst (Eds.), Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication, Los Angeles: Sage, pp. 186 203.38. Weimann, Gabriel, 1989. “Terrorism in the Global Village”, in Y. Wyant (ed.), Canadian Israeli Perspectives on Culture, Women and Media, Jerusalem: Academon, 75 89.39. Rattner, Arye, Gabriel Weimann and Gideon Fishman, 1990. “Cross Ethnic Identification and Misidentification”, Sociology and Social Research, 74(2): 73 79.40. Brosius, Hans Bernd and Gabriel Weimann, 1990. “Die Attraktivitat von Gewalt”, (“The Attractiveness of Violence”), Publizistik, 34: 329 339.41. Weimann, Gabriel, 1990. “Redefinition of Image: The Impact of Mass Mediated Terrorism”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 2(1): 16 29.42. Weimann, Gabriel, 1990. “The Obsession to Forecast: Pre Election Polls in the Israeli Press”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 54: 396 408.43. Brosius, Hans Bernd and Gabriel Weimann, 1991. “The Contagiousness of Mass mediated Terrorism”, European Journal of Communication, 6: 63 75.44. Weimann, Gabriel and Hans Bernd Brosius, 1991. “The Newsworthiness of International Terrorism”, Communication Research, 18 (3): 333-354.45. Weimann, Gabriel, 1991. “The Influentials: Back to the Concept of Opinion Leaders?”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 55: 267-279. (A modified and updated version of this paper appeared in 1992, “Personlichkeitsstarke und die Meinungsfuhrer-Konzept?” in Jurgen Wilke (ed.), Offentliche Meinung: Theorie, Methoden, Befunden, Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 1992, 87-102).46. Weimann, Gabriel, Hans-Bernd Brosius and Mallory Wober, 1992. “TV Diets: Towards a Typology of TV Viewership”, European Journal of Communication, 7 (4): 491-516.47. Brosius, Hans-Bernd and Gabriel Weimann, 1992. “The Loyalty of TV Viewing: How Consistent is TV Viewing Behavior?”, Journal of Broadcasting and the Electronic Media, 36 (3): 321-335.48. Weimann, Gabriel and Hans-Bernd Brosius, 1994. “Is There a Two-Step Flow of Agenda-Setting?”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research , 6(4): 323-341.49. Weimann, Gabriel, 1994, “Caveat Populi Quaestor: The 1992 Pre-Elections Polls in the Israeli Press”, in A. Arian and M. Shamir (eds.), The 1992 Elections in Israel, New York: State University of New York Press, pp. 255-271.50. Weimann Gabriel, 1994, “Can the Media Mediate? Mass Mediated Diplomacy in the Middle East”, in G. Ben Dor and D. Dewitt (Eds.), Confidence Building Measures in the Middle East, New York: Westview, 291-307.51. Weimann, Gabriel and Gideon Fishman, 1995. “Reconstructing Suicide: Reporting Suicide in the Israeli Press”, Journalism Quarterly, 72(3): 550-558.52. Weimann, Gabriel, 1995. “Zapping in the Holy Land: Coping with Multi-Channel TV in Israel”, Journal of Communication, 45(1): 97-103.53. Brosius, Hans-Bernd, and Gabriel Weimann, 1995. “Medien oder Bevolkerung: Wer bestimmt die Agenda? Ein Beitrag zum Zwei-Stufen-Fluss von Agenda-Setting?”, Rundfunk und Fernsehen, 3: 312-329.54. Weimann, Gabriel, 1996. “Can the Media Mediate? Mass Mediated Diplomacy in the Middle East”, Conflict Processes, 2(1): 31-41. An earlier version of this paper appeared in G. Ben Dor and D. Dewitt (eds.), Confidence Building Measures in the Middle East, New York: Westview, 291-307.55. Wober, Mallory, Gabriel Weimann and Hans-Bernd Brosius, 1996. “The European Election of 1989: British Television Viewers’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Voting Behavior”, British Journal of Social Psychology, 35: 233-244.56. Weimann, Gabriel, 1996. “Cable comes to the Holy Land: The Impact of Cable TV on Israeli Viewers”, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 40(2): 243-257.57. Weimann, Gabriel, 1996. “Cable TV in Israel: Panel Study of the Impact of the Transition to Multi-Channel Television in Israel”, Megamot, 37(4): 394-407 (H).58. Brosius, Hans-Bernd and Gabriel Weimann, 1996. “Who Sets the Agenda? Agenda-Setting as a Two-Step Flow”, Communication Research, 23(5): 562-581.59. Weimann, Gabriel, 1997. “Can A Spiral Be a Bridge? On Noelle-Neumann’s Work as Bridging Micro-Macro Levels of Analysis”, Publizistik, 42 (1): 97-103.60. Fishman, Gideon and Gabriel Weimann, 1997. “Motives to Commit Suicide: Statistical Versus Mass-Mediated Reality”, Archives of Suicide Research 3:1-14.61. Kiewitz, C., Weaver J.B., Brosius H.B, & Weimann, G., 1997. “Cultural Differences in Listening Style Preferences: A Comparison of Young Adults in Germany, Israel, and the United States”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research 9: 233-247.62. Weimann, Gabriel, 1997, “Their Finest Hour: The Functions of the Israeli Mass Media Following the Murder of Prime Minister Rabin”, in D. Caspi (Ed.), Democracy and Media, Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute, 223-239. (H).63. Weimann, Gabriel, 1998. “Beware of Surveys? Coverage of Pre-Election Polls in the Israeli Media”, in Fuchs, C. and Bar-Lev, S. (eds.), Surveys: Some Good, Some Less, Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, pp. 123-146. (H). Also in Caspi, D. (2001), Pictures in Our Heads: Public Opinion and Democracy, Tel Aviv: Open University, 339-360. (H).64. Yanovitzky, Itzhak, and Gabriel Weimann, 1998. “The Attitudes of Jewish Settlers: An Analysis of ‘Nekuda’, the Settlers’ Main Publication”, Megamot 39: 191-215 (H).65. Weimann, Gabriel, 1999. “Israel’s TV Culture”, Kesher 25, 98-104 (H).66. Arian, Asher, Gabriel Weimann and Gad Wolfsfeld, 1999. “Balance in Election Coverage”, in Arian, A. and Shamir, M. (Eds.), The Israeli Elections 1996, New York: SUNY Press, 295-312.67. Weimann, Gabriel, 1999. “The Theater of Terror As A Challenge to Democracy”, in R. Cohen-Almagor (Ed.), Basic Issues in Israeli Democracy, Tel Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, pp. 247-264 (H).68. Wolfsfeld, Gadi, and Weimann, Gabriel, 1999. Agenda Setting in the 1996 Elections Campaign”, Politika, 4:9-26 (H).69. Tsfati, Yariv and Weimann, Gabriel, 1999. “Terror on the Internet”, Politika, 4: 45-64 (H).70. Weimann, Gabriel, 2000. “The Blurry State of the Journalism Profession in Israel”, Journalism Yearbook 1999-2000,135-139 (H).71. Jaffe, Michael, & Weimann, Gabriel, 2000. “New Lords of the Global Village? Theories of Media Domination in the Internet Era”, in R. Wagenleitner & E. Tyler May (Eds.), Here, There and Everywhere: The Foreign Policy of American Popular Culture, Hanover, NH: University of New England Press, 288-308.72. Weimann, Gabriel and Jonathan Cohen, 2000. “None is Too Many: Women in the 1999 Israeli Elections Campaign”, Kesher 28: 53-62 (H).73. Cohen, Jonathan and Gabriel Weimann 2000. Cultivation Revisited: Some Genres Have Some Effects on Some Viewers, Communication Reports 13: 99-114.74. Weimann, Gabriel, 2000. “The Israeli Media”, in Aharoni, M., and S. Aharoni (Eds.), Israel 2000, Tel Aviv: Miksam, 54-57.75. Weimann, Gabriel and Gadi Wolfsfeld, 2000. “Struggles over the Electoral Agenda: The Elections of 1996 and 1999”. In Arian, A. and M. Shamir (Eds.), The Elections in Israel 1999. Jerusalem: The Israeli Institute for Democracy, 383-410 (for a revised version in English, see item 77).76. Weimann, Gabriel, 2000. “Gender Differences in Israeli Television Commercials”, Megamot 40 (3): 466-485. (H).77. Weimann, Gabriel, 2001. “Two-Step Flow of Communication”, in N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (editors), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Pergamon.78. Weimann, Gabriel and Ayelet Goren, 2001. “A Comparative Analysis of the Israeli News on the First and Second Television Channels”, Panim,16: 4-10 (H).79. Weimann, Gabriel and Galit Marmor, 2001. “The Use of Emotional Appeals in the 1999 Israeli Elections Campaign”, Politika 7: 63-78 (H).80. Weimann, Gabriel, 2001. “Surveys, Errors and Lies in the Israeli Municipal Elections of 1998”. In A. Brichta & A Pedahzur (Eds.), Elections in the Local Authorities in Israel – 1998: Continuity or Change? . Tel Aviv: Ramot, 185-198 (H).81. Weimann, Gabriel and Gadi Wolfsfeld, 2002. “Struggles Over the Electoral Agenda. In Arian, A. and M. Shamir (Eds.), The Elections in Israel 1999. New York: State University of New York Press, 269-288.82. Simonson, Peter and Gabriel Weimann, 2003. Critical Research at Columbia: Lazarsfeld and Merton’s ‘Mass Communication, Popular Taste, and Organized Social Action’. In E. Katz, J. Peters and T. Liebes (Eds.), Canonic Texts in Media Research, Cambridge: Polity Press, 12-38.83. Weimann, Gabriel and Gadi Wolfsfeld, 2002. “The Israeli Elections 2001: The Campaigns That Changed Nothing”. In Arian, Asher and Michal Shamir (Eds.), The Israeli Elections 2001, Jerusalem: The Israel Democracy Institute,101-126 (H).84. Tsfati, Yariv and Weimann, Gabriel, 2002. “ Terror on the Internet”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 25(5): 317-332.85. Weimann, Gabriel, 2003. “Ten Dilemmas of the Press during Wartime”, Panim, 23:10-17 (H).86. Sheafer, Tamir and Gabriel Weimann, 2004. “A Balanced and Systematic Analysis of the Issue of Media Balance in Four Israeli Elections, 1996 – 2003”. In Arian, Asher and Michal Shamir (Eds.), The Israeli Elections 2003, New York: Transaction Books. Also in Hebrew version, published by the Israel Democracy Institute.87. Weimann, Gabriel. 2004. “The Theater of Terror: The Psychology of Terrorism and the Mass Media”. In Yael Danieli, Danny Brom, and Jonas Waizer (Eds.), The Trauma of Terror: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, New York: The Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, 379-390.Reprinted in Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 9(3-4), 379-390.88. Hershman-Shitrit, Michal and Gabriel Weimann. 2004. “The Impact of the Israeli Media on the Knesset’s Agenda”, Politika, 141-165 (H).89. Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. “Terrorists and Their Tools: Using the Internet”, Yale Global Online, at: Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. “Terror on the Net: The New Arena”. In Arye Idan (Ed.), Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Tel Aviv: Misrad Habitahon, 40-50 (H).91. Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. “The Theater of Terror: Challenging Democracy”. In Arye Idan (Ed.), Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Tel Aviv: Misrad Habitahon, 17-39 (H).92. Kuten Avraham, Nissim Haim, Eimi Lev and Gabriel Weimann, 2004. “The coverage of cancer in the Israeli press”, Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 (14): 542S-542S.93. Sheafer, Tamir and Gabriel Weimann, 2005. “Agenda-Building, Agenda-Setting, Priming, Individual Voting Intentions and the Aggregate Results: An Analysis of Four Israeli Elections”, Journal of Communication 55, 347-365.94. Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. “Terrorist Dot Com: Using the Internet for Terrorist Recruitment and Mobilization”, in J. Forest (Ed.), The Making of a Terrorist. Westport, CT: Praeger, pp. 53-65.95. Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. “Online Terrorism: How Modern Terrorists Use the Internet”, in Javier Ignacio Mayorca (Eds)., Terrorismo, ensayos para el debate, pp. 67-1-104.96. Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. “Cyberterrorism: The Sum of All Fears?” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 28: 129-149.97. Weimann, Gabriel, Abraham Kuten, Nissim Haim and Eimi Lev, 2005. “Reporting Cancer in the Israeli Media: Real Reality vs. Reconstructed Reality”, Harefua (Journal of the Israel Medical Association), 144(2): 85-88 (H).98. Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. “How Terrorists Use the Internet”, Journal of International Security Affairs, 8: 91-105.99. Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. “Virtual Terrorism: How Modern Terrorists Use the Internet”, in Indrajit Banerjee (Ed.), The Internet and Governance in Asia – A Critical Reader, Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Center: 189-214.100. Edna Reid, Jialun Qin, Yilu Zhou, Guanpi Lai, Marc Sageman, Gabriel Weimann, and Hsinchun Chen, 2005. “Collecting and Analyzing the Presence of Terrorists on the Web: A Case Study of Jihad Websites”, Computer Science, Volume 3495: 402 – 411101. Galit Marmor-Lavie and Gabriel Weimann, 2006. “Measuring Emotional Appeals in Israeli Election Campaigns”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research 18 (3), 1-26.102. Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. “Virtual Terrorism”, in Liebes, T. and P. Frosh (Eds.), Meeting the Enemy in the Living Room: Terrorism and Communication in the Contemporary Era , Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuchad pp 72-109. (H).103. Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. “Virtual Training Camps: Terrorist Use of the Internet”, in J. Forest (Ed.). Teaching Terror: Strategic and Tactical Learning in the Terrorist World,Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield 110-132.104. Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. “Virtual Disputes: The Use of the Internet for Terrorist Debates”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 29 (7): 623-639.105. Weimann, Gabriel and Eimi Lev, 2006. “Mass-Mediated Medicine”, Israel Medical Association Journal, 8 757-762.106. Weimann, Gabriel. 2006. “Cyberterrorism”. In Von Knop, K., Neisser, H, Salnikov, A, and B. Ganor (Eds.), Security, Terrorism and Privacy in Information Society, Bielfeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, pp. 41-52.107. Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. ”Entertainment Content and Reality Perception”, in Donsbach, W. (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, Vol. 4, pp. 1543-1547.108. Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. ”Opinion Leaders”, in Donsbach, W. (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, Vol. 8, pp. 3391-3395.109. Weimann, Gabriel. 2007. “Online Terrorism: Modern Terrorism and the Internet”. In Glaab, Sonja (Ed.): Medien und Terrorismus. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, pp. 51-58.110. Weimann, G. Tustin, D.H., D. van Vuuren, and J.P.R. Joubert, 2007. “Looking for Opinion Leaders: Traditional vs. Modern Measures in Traditional Societies”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 19(2):173-190.111. Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. “American Style Campaigning”. In Christina Holtz-Bachaand Lynda Kaid (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Political Communication, Sage Publications.112. Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. “Using the Internet for Terrorist Recruitment and Mobilization”, in Hypermedia Seduction for Terrorist Recruiting (Eds. Boaz Ganor, Katharina Von Knop, Carlos Duarte), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, pp. 47-58.113. Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. “The Theater of Terror: Modern Terrorism and the Mass Media”, in Stephen L. Vaughn (Ed.), Routledge’s Encyclopedia of American Journalism History, New York: Routledge, pp. 527-529.114. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “The Psychology of Mass-Mediated Terrorism”, American Behavioral Scientist 52(1): 69-86.115. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “The Digital Gap in Israel: Internet’s Center and Periphery”. In Katz I, Z. Degani and T. Gross (Eds.), Where, Here: Language, Identity, Place, Tel Aviv: Kakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing, pp. 366-376 (H).116. Sheafer, Tamir , Yariv Tsfati and Gabriel Weimann, 2008. “Campaigns in the Holy Land: The Content and Effects of Election News “, in Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World (Eds. Jesper Strömbäck and Lynda Lee Kaid), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 402-431.117. Weimann, Gabriel, Sheafer, Tamir and Yariv Tsfati. 2008. “Coverage of the 2006 Campaign: The Needs and Attitudes of the Public vis-à-vis the Functioning of the News Media”. In Arian, Asher and Michal Shamir (Eds.), The Elections in Israel 2006, Jerusalem: The Israel Democracy Institute and New Brunswick: Transaction. pp. 269-294.118. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “Hezbollah Dot Com: Hezbollah’s online campaign”, inNew Media and Innovative Technologies (Eds. D. Caspi and T. Azran), Beer Sheva: Ben-Gurion University Press, pp. 17-38.119. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “Mass-Media Theater”, E-Journal USA: Countering the Terrorist Mentality , May 2007, at: Cohen, Jonathan and Gabriel Weimann, 2008. “Who’s afraid of reality shows? Exploring the effects of perceived influence of reality shoes and the concern over their social effects, on willingness to censor”, Communication Research 35( 3): 382-397.121. Marmor-Lavie, Galit and Gabriel Weimann, 2008. “Intimacy Appeals in Israeli Televised Political Advertising”, Political Communication 25(3): 249-268.122. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “Al-Qa`ida’s Use of the Internet”, CTC Sentinel (published by the Combating Terrorism C, U.S. Military Academy at West Point), Vol. 1, issue 2, January 2008.123. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “Cyber-Terrorism: Are We Barking At the Wrong Tree?”, Harvard Asia Pacific Review 9(2): 41-46.124. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “Online Terrorists Prey on the Vulnerable”, Yale Global Online, at: Weimann, Gabriel and Katharina von Knop, 2008. “Applying the Notion of Noise to Countering Online-Terrorism”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 31, 883-902.126. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “The Israeli Media: Future Challenges”, Viewpoints (Special Editions) – Israel: Growing Pains at 60, pp. 16-18.127. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “Narrowcasting: The trend in online terrorism”, Gazette 70(3): 9-15.128. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “Watchdog? The Decline of the Israeli Media “, Israel: Economy and Society (Ed.: Meir Aharoni), pp. 150-152 (in Hebrew).129. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “The Slow and Painful Fading of Censorship in Israel”, Democracy, July 2007, at: (in Hebrew).130. Chen, H., Chung, W., Qin, J., Reid, E., Sageman, M. & G. Weimann, 2008. “Uncovering the Dark Web: A Case Study of Jihad on the Web”, Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences and Technology 59(8): 1347-1359.131. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “WWW.Al-Qaeda: The Reliance of al-Qaeda on the Internet”, in Responses to Cyber Terrorism (Edited the Centre of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism, The NATO Science for Peace and Security Program), pp. 61-69. Amsterdam:IOS Press.132. Weimann, Gabriel, 2008. “How Terrorists Use the Internet to Target Children”, InSite, Vol. 1 No. 8, at: Weimann, Gabriel, 2009. “Virtual Sisters: How Terrorists Target Women Online”, InSite, Vol. 2 No. 1. At: Weimann, Gabriel, 2009. “When Fatwas Clash Online: Terrorist Debates on the Internet,” in Influence Warfare: How Terrorists and Governments Fight to Shape Perceptions in a War of Ideas (Ed. James Forest). Westport, CT: Praeger, pp. 49-74.135. Weimann, Gabriel. 2009. “Media Coverage and Election Campaigns in Israel”, Bashaar at: (H).136. Weimann, Gabriel. 2009.”War by Other Means: Econo-Jihad”, Yale Global Online, at: Weimann Gabriel and Gabrielle Vail Gorder, 2009. “Al-Qaeda Has Sent You A Friend Request: Terrorists Using Online Social Networking”, InSite, Vol. 2 No. 6. At: Weimann, Gabriel. 2009. “Online Training Camps for Terrorists”, InSite, Vol. 2 No. 9. At: Mozes, Tomer and Weimann, Gabriel. 2010. “The E-Marketing Strategy of Hamas”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 33(3), pp 211-225.140. Weimann, Gabriel, 2009. “Terror in Cyberspace“, The Marquette Law Review 93. At: Weimann, Gabriel, 2010. “Terrorist Facebook: Terrorist and Online Social Networking”, in Web Intelligence and Security (Eds., Mark Last and Abraham Kandel), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, pp. 19-30.142. Weimann, Gabriel, 2010. “Terrorism and Counterterrorism on the Internet”, The International Studies Encyclopedia (Ed. Robert Denemark), Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, pp. Volume XI, pp. 6988-7005.143. Tsfati, Y., T. Sheafer and Weimann, G. 2010, “War on the agenda: The Gaza conflict and communication in the 2009 elections”. In Arian, Asher and Michal Shamir (Eds.), The Elections in Israel – 2009, New Brunswick and London: Transaction, pp. 225-250.144. Weimann, Gabriel, 2010. “Terrorism’s New Avatars”, Yale Global Online, at: Weimann, Gabriel, 2010. “Midvar Seker Tirhak” (Stay away from election polls). In Hakak Y., L. Kacan and M. Krumer-Nevo (Eds.),The Limits of Quantification, Beer Sheba: Ben Gurion University Press. pp. 265-276.146. Kennedy, Jonathan and Gabriel Weimann. 2011. “The Strength of Weak Terrorist Ties”, Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence 23, pp. 201-212.147. Weimann, Gabriel, 2011. “Cyber-Fatwas and Terrorism”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 34, pp. 1-17.148. Weimann, Gabriel, 2011. “New Terrorism and New Media : Mass-Mediated Terrorism”, Terrorism in the 21st. Century (Ed. Veryan Khan),). At: Weimann, Gabriel, 2011. “The Israeli Media at a Turning Point””, in Israel: Economy and Society (Ed.: Meir Aharoni), pp. 108-110 (H).150. Ophir, Yotam and Gabriel Weimann, 2012. “From Terrorist to Persona: Para-Social Interaction and the ETA Website”, Perspectives on Terrorism 6, pp. 23-35.151. Weimann, Gabriel, 2012. “The Role of the Media in Propagating Terrorism”, in Updesh Kumar and Manas K. Mandal (Eds.), Countering Terrorism : Psychosocial Strategies, London: Sage Publication, pp. 182-200.152. 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