Happy 50th Birthday
Spruce Run!
Spruce Run is a 50 acre property near the Hoover Reservoir in Galena, Ohio. The land was deeded to Columbus City Schools in August of 1974 by Robert and Dorothy Patton. The Pattons were proud of the wide variety of fauna and flora on the site and were dedicated to keeping the site in its natural form. Their gift is evidence of their desire to share the site and to provide a unique place for environmental studies and outdoor learning. The property is an amazing 50 acres full of nature, a creek, gardens, a working greenhouse, a classroom, a house with an observation deck, nature play spaces, a fire pit, a barn for indoor activities, and more.
Spruce Run is a great place to:
inspire children to write
explore the creek (we have many sizes of rain boots and creeking supplies available)
observe birds on the observation deck (binoculars available)
take nature walks (clipboards and dry-erase markers available)
space for team-building activities
create maps of the area or work on mapping skills
read books or write in the secret outdoor book nook
have students take care of the garden (harvest, pull weeds, plant crops, water plants)
young students can explore the Spruce Nature And Play Area
and is a great place for students to step out of their comfort zone and explore nature
Robert & Dorothy Patton
Spruce Run Open House
Saturday, March 15, 2025
from 10 am-2 pm ----- free & open to the public
Spruce Run Open House
Saturday, April 5, 2025
from 10 am-2 pm ----- free & open to the public