Back-up or Export GSuite data

Leaving Columbia Grange? Please backup your data if you wish to keep a copy of it. Follow the below steps to get started!

How to Export Data from G Suite for Education

Any staff or students (users) enrolled in G Suite for Education will maintain access to that account and all associated Mail, Drive, etc. from year to year and from school to school. Please arrange to take your Google data with you if you want it before you graduate or leave.

  • Docs: Use Google Takeout to export ALL of your Docs in whatever format you choose, or just export the ones you want right from your Docs. If you're a staff member and would like to transfer the ownership of all of your Docs to a colleague, please contact with this request. We can do that with one click.
  • Calendar: Export your calendar data, and import it into your new account (or into iCal, Outlook, etc.)
  • Mail: Let your contacts know your address will no longer work. You can also forward any critical messages to another staff member for retention. (Staff) We have been using Google Vault since launching in July 2016, so any email that has ever been in the system since that date will be archived, including Personal Folders that were uploaded to Google Mail.
  • Contacts: Export your contacts using Google Takeout

We do perform account purging at the end of each academic year. During the last week of the long summer break we will purge (delete) any accounts that will no longer be active in the new academic year, such as students who have moved up to secondary school or staff members that leave the school. (Excluding any staff members on long term sickness or taking maternity/paternity leave)

From Google's Data Liberation site:

The Data Liberation Front is an engineering team at Google whose singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products. We do this because we believe that you should be able to export any data that you create in (or import into) a product. We help and consult other engineering teams within Google on how to "liberate" their products.