Curriculum & Instruction

Early Childhood and Pre-Kindergarten Programs

  • Eagleview Elementary

District 4 offers a wide range of programs for our pre-school students. Such programs include an Early Childhood program. Developmental screenings are conducted and eligible students are placed into the program. Half-day sessions are offered Monday through Friday following the District calendar.

In addition, a tuition based pre-kindergarten program is also offered to children ages three and four. Both half-day and full-day sessions are provided Monday through Friday following the District calendar. All classes are taught by teachers who specialize in early childhood education.

Elementary Education (Grades Kindergarten through four)

  • Eagleview Elementary (Grades K – 1)
  • Parkview Elementary School (Grades 2 - 4)

The core curriculum consists of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Other areas of study include art, health/physical education, music, and technology.

All K-1 students are monitored regularly to determine the progress being made on grade level curriculum. Teachers also monitor each student’s instructional reading level to ensure progress in the area of reading. Title I/Reading Recovery assistance is available for students who need additional reading instruction in order to meet grade level expectations.

Elementary students are assessed by teacher observation and unit tests. Students are also monitored through the AIMS web and individual reading diagnostics. In addition, students in grades 3 and 4 are also administered the PARCC test each spring. The PARCC test measures individual achievement relative to the Common Core Standards.

Grades are reported on a quarterly basis for all grades. In grades 2 through 4, teachers send progress reports at the middle of each quarter.

Formal parent conferences are held after the first quarter. On-going parent-teacher communication is encouraged, and parents can expect the principal and teacher to communicate through newsletters, phone calls, websites, etc.

Middle School Education (Grades five through eight)

  • Columbia Middle School

Academics The core curriculum consists of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students are also instructed in exploratory classes in art, cultural connections, health/physical education, music, and technology by specialists certified in these areas. Band is also offered to interested students beginning in fifth grade.

In grades 7 and 8, elective classes are offered to students. Students can elect two classes from the following choices: art, band, choir, German, Spanish, and technology. Classes are designed so that after completing two full years of the same course with proficiency, students can enroll in advanced classes (in that subject area) as a ninth grade student.

Middle school students are assessed by teacher observation and unit tests. Students are monitored with the AIMS web and individual reading diagnostics. In addition, students in grades 5 and 8 are also administered the PARCC Test each spring. The PARCC test measures individual achievement relative to Common Core Standards.

Grades are reported on a quarterly basis, and teachers send progress reports at the middle of each quarter. An online system is available for parents of students 5 through 8 to aid them in monitoring their student’s weekly assignments.

Formal parent conferences are held after the first quarter. On-going parent-teacher communication is encouraged, and parents can expect the principal and teachers to communicate through newsletters, phone calls, email, websites, etc.

Columbia Middle School has been recognized as a school of academic excellence by the Illinois State Board of Education.

Extracurricular Activities Columbia Middle School provides a variety of opportunities for students beyond the school day. Athletic opportunities include baseball/softball, basketball, cheerleading, track, and girls’ volleyball.

A variety of clubs are also offered to middle school students to pursue special interest and to develop leadership skills. Clubs include Beta Honor Club, drama club, Student Council, Scholar Bowl and others. Community service opportunities are also provided to students throughout the year.

Advisory classes are held on specific days. These classes are used for character education lessons and/or additional academic support for middle school students.

High School Education (Grades nine through twelve)

  • Columbia High School

Academics Columbia High School provides students with a full range of studies to prepare students for post-secondary education or the world of work. The core curriculum consists of English, math, social studies, and science. Up to five years of foreign language is offered in Spanish, and up to four years in German. In addition, there is a variety of Family and Consumer Science, fine arts, technology, and vocational courses offered to students at CHS. Students reaching the appropriate age are offered driver’s education class. Regular physical education classes are offered, but weight training physical education is encouraged for athletes. “Specific early-bird” classes are offered to increase elective availability to students.

Students will need to acquire 24 graduate credits, 17.5 of which are required courses for students. A complete list of courses and descriptions is listed in the registration handbook provided to students annually. CHS uses a weighted grading scale. Please see the school handbook/registration guide for specifics.

CHS offers two types of work study programs: Special Education and Co-Op. Students eligible for work-study must earn the appropriate number of credits and have the required skills needed for the program.

For students who can not achieve in the traditional high school, an alternative setting is offered. The Career Center of Southern Illinois is a half-day or full-day option for these students. The requirements for graduation remain the same and the goal is to reintegrate the student back into CHS.

Each spring Columbia High School administers the PARCC assessment. In addition, Advanced Placement (AP) courses and other courses for college credit are offered at CHS. Prerequisites and minimum grade point averages are required to enroll in these classes. Columbia High School works directly with St. Louis University and Southwestern Illinois College for college level courses. This is a highly successful program that greatly benefits our students upon entering colleges and universities.

Grades are reported on a quarterly basis, and teachers send progress reports at the middle of each quarter. An online system is available for parents of students 9 through 12 to aid them in monitoring their student’s weekly assignments.

Formal parent conferences are held after the first quarter. On-going parent-teacher communication is encouraged, and parents can expect the principal and teachers to communicate through newsletters, phone calls, email, websites, etc.

Annually, numerous scholarships are awarded to students who excel in academics.

Columbia High School ACT scores rank among the highest in the metro-east area, well above the state average.

Extracurricular Activities Columbia High School offers a wide variety of activities beyond the regular classroom. Athletic opportunities include baseball/softball, bowling, basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, football, soccer, track, and girls’ volleyball. Columbia High School was awarded the Post Dispatch Small School Sports Program of the Year in 2005-2006 and 2007-2008. CHS is also the proud recipient of the IHSA Winning Attitude Award numerous times. State championship appearances in recent years include baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, boys’ soccer, girls’ soccer, track, and volleyball. The CHS Scholar Bowl team has also been very successful at the State level competitions.

A variety of clubs are also offered to CHS students to pursue special interests and to develop leadership skills. Clubs include drama, foreign language, honors, Student Council, robotics, and others. Many of these clubs are held during the day in specific advisory periods. Community service opportunities are also provided to students throughout the year to help with the 20 hour service requirement graduation credit.

District #4 Special Education and Related Services

Columbia School District complies with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Article 14 of the School Code. Columbia began operating as a “stand alone” special education district in July of 2015. Extensive special education program exists for children who are eligible for services. Each building has a team comprised of regular and special education teachers, a counselor/social worker and administrator, and the school psychologist. The team implements a variety of strategies and research-based interventions for children who are struggling academically and/or behaviorally. The interventions are repeatedly assessed. If the child is still experiencing difficulty after the interventions are implemented, the student may be referred for special education testing.

If a student qualifies for special education services, an IEP (Individual Education Plan) will be developed in cooperation with parent(s). The IEP is reviewed annually.

Everyone within Columbia Community Unit District #4 is committed to providing the best education and services possible for all students.

District #4 Summer School

Summer school is offered for Columbia High School students for required academics, credit recovery, and elective classes. Some summer school classes are offered to incoming 9th grade students to help ease the transition to high school.

Columbia Middle School also offers a summer academy. These enrichment classes are open to all Columbia students in grades 5 through 8. A transition class is offered for incoming fifth grade students.

District #4 Eagle Zone After-School Program

Eagleview Elementary and Parkview Elementary schools offer an after school child care program for students in kindergarten through fourth grade. This program provides children of working parents a safe, well-supervised environment, consisting of homework assistance, enrichment activities, and both indoor and outdoor recreation time. Kids are encouraged to be kids and have fun with their friends!

District #4 Assessment Report

Assessment Report for 2018-2019

District #4 Accelerated Policy

Accelerated Policy