Assessment and Reporting

The Principles of Assessment at CGS and V6.docx

The Principles of Assessment

Recording Assessments and Monitoring Students.docx

Recording Assessments and Monitoring Students

Reporting on progress to parents_Nov19.docx

Reporting on Progress to Parents

Curriculum Overview

The Curriculum Overview gives detail about the topics and skills that our students will learn each term (Autumn, Spring, Summer).

Within each subject teachers have set out:

Powerful knowledge - this is the subject knowledge students need to retain in their long term memory.

Subject-specific skills - these are the disciplinary skills specific to each subject.

Age Related Expectations (ARE)

All Age Related Expectations (ARE) stages are assessments of academic attainment and understanding.

Progressing towards – students will have skills or knowledge gaps which means it will be difficult for them to access the curriculum for their chronological age

Approaching – students have some of the skills and have retained some prior knowledge to be able to access the curriculum content for their age.

Securing – students have securely learned the skills and powerful knowledge for the ARE for their chronological age

Mastering - students have fully retained and mastered the skills and can apply, in novel ways, the powerful knowledge for the ARE for their chronological age

In relation to students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), the principle will be, wherever possible, to enable them to continue to progress with their cohort and peers. However, it can be unhelpful to assess and measure progress of some students with SEND against their peers. In these cases personalised AREs will be developed to recognise and assess individual progress. Assessment should focus on successes rather than being grounded in failure.

Student reports will RAG rate the levels of progress your child is making:

Rapid Progress - Green
Steady Progress - amber
Insufficient Progress - red