Cal Poly

San Luis Obispo

Contact Us


Phone: (805) 756-2311

About Us

Learn by Doing means that we don’t see a difference between the education we provide and the “real world.” Here, experiences are part of the curriculum. That’s because knowledge is inextricably linked to the world around us. To learn is to do. To do is to learn. At Cal Poly, each fuels the other.

Quick Facts

School Setting: Suburban

Undergrad Population: 20,739

Average Class Size: 32

Institution Type: Public

Application Deadline for Fall 2021: December 4, 2021

Our Location

Top 3 Things to Know About Us!

  1. Cal Poly offers 64 majors and 90 minors in 6 different colleges.

  2. Cal Poly has been named “Best in the West of Public Master’s-Level Universities” for 28 consecutive years!

  3. San Luis Obispo is ideally located on the Central Coast of California with no fewer than 5 different beaches within a 15 minute drive!