Lladser Research Group

Advancing science through mathematics, and mathematics through scientific challenges!

My research interests span applied mathematics and probability, with an emphasis on discrete probability and discrete mathematics. I am particularly drawn to problems arising in computational and molecular biology, mathematical data science, and computer science.

Some Research Keywords:
 ▪️ Algorithms ▪️ Asymptotics

 ▪️ Contamination

 ▪️ Dimension

 ▪️ Generating functions ▪️ Genomics▪️ Graphs

 ▪️ Machine Learning ▪️ Markov chains ▪️ Metric spaces

 ▪️ Networks ▪️ Non-Markovian process

 ▪️ Phylogenetics

 ▪️ Random Graphs ▪️ Random Matrices 

 ▪️ Source localization ▪️ Statistics ▪️ String distances ▪️ Symbolic data

 ▪️ Trees