Classics of Philosophy Reading Group

This reading group no longer meets. 

Please join us the 4th Monday of each month for the Deep Thoughts Reading Group, sponsored by Longmont Public Library.

You can continue to access all the past readings and reading guides under "Past Meetings."


What to expect at a session

To prepare, please read the text to the best of your ability. A reading guide is available below. If you are unable to read ahead, please come anyway!

After brief introductions and a review of the discussion policies, the facilitator will ask participants to submit questions and ideas for discussion.  The facilitator will then guide the group in working through as many of their questions as possible before recapping and wrapping up the discussion.

No background in philosophy is expected or required. We are excited to discuss the ideas raised by your interaction with the text!

Click here for our discussion guidelines.

More philosophy

Longmont Public Library "Deep Thoughts" reading group:

Just like this one, but meets the 4th Monday of each month. Readings may differ from Boulder library sessions. 

Great philosophy podcasts

The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps - Over 350 episodes covering various philosophers and topics. Includes episode series on Indian philosophy and Africana philosophy.

Hi-Phi Nation - approximately 40 episodes (as of 2020) that discuss philosophical ideas in contemporary contexts.  The most recent seasons have focused on issues of justice and politics.

Discussion groups

Grey Havens Philosophy - A Longmont, CO based nonprofit running weekly and monthly philosophical discussion groups for all ages.

Your local philosophers!

Philosophy Department at the University of Colorado - Boulder