Andrew Lucas
University of Colorado Boulder
I am an assistant professor of physics at the University of Colorado Boulder. My group's work spans multiple disciplines of theoretical and mathematical physics, including condensed matter, hydrodynamics, high energy physics, atomic physics and quantum information.
I am slowly in the process of moving this site to; this one will no longer be updated as of October 2021.
We proved that the speed of quantum information spreading is finite in one-dimensional quantum systems with power-law interactions (of sufficiently large exponent), closing a longstanding conjecture in mathematical physics.
(8/2021) I won the Young Researcher Award from the Journal of Mathematical Physics for developing quantum walk bounds on quantum dynamics!
(7/2021) With the group of Ania Bleszynski Jayich at UCSB, we won the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's 2020 EPiQS Flexible Funding competition! Our proposal is to image spatially resolved transport in strange metals.
(7/2020) Physics magazine highlights our work on locality in systems with long-range interactions, published in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review X!
(2/2020) I am a 2020 Sloan Fellow in Physics!
(12/2019) Postdoc Xiao moves to faculty job. Congrats!
(7/2019) Moved to Boulder!