AESD Final Projects - Fall 2021


The last 3 weeks of the course Advanced Embedded Software Development at CU Boulder consists of a project designed and implemented by students, individually or in teams. Implementation schedule is based on Agile Scrum with 3 one week sprints. The only requirements of the project are:

1) The project must use real hardware.

2) The project must use Buildroot or Yocto to build an embedded device image.

Students are able to submit extra credit proposals for additional work to share portions of their projects with future students in the form of howto steps or pull requests.

Fall 2021 Project List

See links below to project overviews for projects submitted at the completion of the semester. Each project wiki page includes a link to a video demonstration by each student detailing their part of the project.

Object tracking with webcam - Using OpenCV to control an LED array which follows simple shapes

George Hodgkins

Linux Device Drivers - Using SPI device drivers as a case study to learn driver design models for non-discoverable devices.

Rajat Chaple, Sundar Krishnakumar

Image transfer between Raspberry Pi boards - Implement device driver for camera and implement socket server to transfer image data between boards

Mukta Darekar, Vishnu Dodballapur

Home Security System - Driver integration of camera and weather sensor with data transfer between boards

Bjorn Nelson, Mehul Patel

2D Object Scanner - Scan an object using a 10x10 light sensing array and send this data through a socket to another R-Pi, which recreates the image of the object.

Sharath Jonnala, Chaithra Suresh

Gesture and Temperature Indicator - Detect gesture swipes and room temperature, send data through socket from server Beaglebone to clinet Beaglebone and light LEDs for direction indication and an RGB LED for room temperature

Dazong Chen, Chris Choi

Smart Car Dashboard - Implement an economical solution to smart car dashboards using Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black

Saloni Shah, Michelle Christian

Remote Temperature Monitoring System - Server RPi senses the indoor temperature and transmits it to a remote client RPi which displays the same on an LCD.

Midhun Koneru, Venkat Tata

Health Monitoring System - Automatically detect the presence of a human and sample the temperature of the body. Server sends this data to the client which notifies the user if the temperature is abnormal.

Dhruv Mehta, Rishab Shah

Temperature-Check & Secure Attendance System - Improves existing attendance system by checking to see if the user's body temperature does not exceed a set threshold while also verifying if the user is valid or not.

Shrikant Nimhan, Chirayu Thakur

please enter your project description here if you'd like to share it publicly on the CU AESD course website