Let us build software for you

Software Engineering for the Cloud is an upper-level elective course offered in the Computer Science Department at Colgate University. Prof. Joel Sommers currently teaches this course.

In Software Engineering for the Cloud, students learn and apply modern software engineering techniques. The culmination of this course is a major project oriented around the design and creation (or modification) of a web-based application that resides on dedicated servers in the Internet (aka "the cloud"). We seek authentic projects to which students can apply the knowledge and practices they acquire through this course. See our portfolio of projects to get a sense for types of projects that students have worked on in the past or are currently working on.

In general, our strong preference is to work with nonprofits, non-governmental organizations, and campus units. Please refer to our information for prospective clients to determine whether a given project might be a good fit for a student project for this course. While the work is free, we do need a commitment from clients/customers to be able to meet with the student teams, and we also want to set realistic expectations for what happens after the course ends and projects are turned in.