Becoming Human Ecologists

Students in 6th form have worked hard to become Human Ecologists this year. 6th A and B worked together in groups, doing in-depth research on a topic they chose and trying hard to find a possible solution to the problem they identified.

They found information in websites, in books and even consulted with experts who visited the school to explain some difficult topics. Some groups took action and made a significant change in their community and in their environment.

You can take a look at the websites they have created themselves. At first, these websites were meant to reflect the process they went through and show evidence of how much they have learnt. However, the websites eventually turned into portfolios of the most significant projects they have done so far in English.


Food and Health

Save the world

Natural Reserves

Compost at school


Sea animals are dying


Plastic in the oceans

Contamination in oceans and rivers

Animal Abuse

How we treat animals
