Newton County Bicentennial Award Guidelines

Newton County Bicentennial Awards are designed to commemorate and recognize the work and legacy of local citizens and Newton County businesses that reflect a stellar level of integrity, character, ethics, longevity in service, and community commitment. In essence, the Newton County Bicentennial Committee seeks to recognize individuals or businesses that align with the standards of excellence and selfless dedication to Newton County and its citizens.

Vision- Newton County is a thriving community united by strong relationships and partnerships.

Mission Statement- Newton County is a safe, well-planned community that respects and values an informed citizenry, embraces diversity, preserves natural resources and cultivates economic and social opportunities.


Newton County Bicentennial Awards are awards without regard to race, sex, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The Newton County Bicentennial Committee maintains impartiality in the selection of awards, and winners are awarded solely based on the merits of the application submitted and the amount of votes collected before the deadline. All Newton County Citizens and Businesses are eligible. The Nomination(s) can be made by an individual, agency, association, business or citizens within Newton County. The Nominee must be an entity or individual that is an employee, agency, association, business, citizen or an official volunteer of a public safety organization within Newton County.

Awards and Criteria

Diamond Brick Sponsorship- A Company, family, individual or organization that sells 250 bricks or more. Remember to reference your Team/Group Name.

Platinum Brick Sponsorship- A Company, family, individual or organization that sells 100 bricks or more. Remember to reference your Team/Group Name.

Gold Brick Sponsorship- A Company, family, individual or organization that sells 25 bricks or more. Remember to reference your Team/Group Name.

#OneNewton Award- Awarded to: A CITIZEN or ORGANIZATION: The #OneNewton Award acknowledges the significant positive impact of citizens who take positive steps to create a culture and climate of respect and inclusion, who value differences and find innovative ways to improve opportunities for the diverse communities we serve in 6 different municipalities. This person would exemplify promoting the Newton County’s mantra of a Work, Live and Play community. They epitomize our #OneNewton “Daisy” Logo: Growing Together in unity where each petal and blade of grass matters.

Matt Cooper Award- Awarded to: A PUBLIC SAFETY PROFESSIONAL - Criteria to be nominated for this award:

• The Nominee must have engaged in “above and beyond the call of duty” activity

• Safety and Health Leadership ‐ Exhibits leadership in the advocacy of worker safety and health initiatives which are above and beyond the traditional scope of one’s position.

• Innovation in Safety and Health ‐ Nominee contributes to the development of innovative practices and procedures that reduce occupational hazards and/or risks.

• Promotion of Teamwork ‐ Nominee embodies the act of encouragement to include team safety awareness, communications, and advocacy of a safe and healthy workplace.

Oldest Living Person Born in Newton County Award- Must provide proof of birth, with documentation of birth date and age. (Birth Certificate or GA State Issued I.D.) Please remember our Assisted Living facilities.

Oldest Living Resident in Newton County Award- Must provide proof of birth, with documentation of birth date and age (Birth Certificate or GA State Issued I.D.) and proof of residency. Please remember our Assisted Living facilities.

Chairman’s Award- Citizen, Organization or Business- Award Newton County Citizens or Newton County Employees who have performed services in the furtherance of the county’s goals and objectives, and for the recognition of exemplary actions and deeds by members of this county. It serves to honor those individuals with specific achievement. Awarded at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, the award is a non-monetary prize designed to recognize the individual whose philanthropy, integrity, sacrifice and/or character is distinguished by a pattern of and/or a singular accomplishment and achievement. It is recognition of an exemplary action(s) and deed(s) by a citizen of Newton County.

Non-Profit Award- A 501C3 Organization (excluding Churches) that gives back/serves the community.

Philanthropy Award- An individual (Male and Female) or organization exhibiting volunteerism, charitable work, community involvement, financial contributions.

Religious Organization Award (By District 1-5)- A religious organization that is involved in the community and gives back through monetary donations, gifts, food, clothing, or community acts of service, etc.

Newton County School System Almond Turner Young Scholars Award- Please CLICK HERE to nominate for the Almond Turner Young Scholars Award.

Standing Ovation Award- An organization within Newton County that truly deserves a standing ovation for shining bright amongst the others for the services or revenue brought to the county. Ex.- Historical Society, Lions Club, Kiwanis, Rotary Club, etc.

Justin White Leadership Award- A youth (between the ages 12-17 yrs.) that resides in Newton County and exhibits outstanding community involvement, entrepreneurship, career driven, and/or proven leadership skills.

First Class Service Award- A Service Center such as a women’s shelter, homeless or domestic violence shelter, pregnancy resource center, children’s outreach center, etc. that is nominated for being an “exceptional resource for service” in Newton County.

Prime Participation Award- An organization/business/company that is heavily involved in community events through sponsorship or participation.

Welcome to Newton County Award- A new company from 2019 to present within Newton County that has proved to be a positive impact and has brought great things to our "Work, Live and Play" community.

Heroes Are Remembered, Legends Never Die Award- Presented in honor of a deceased, legendary individual that lived in and called Newton County home.

Making a Difference Award- An individual/company/organization that made a positive impact on Newton County during the Pandemic whether through donation of funds or products.

The Real MVP Award- A motivated and eager individual/company/organization involved in Newton County Recreation Department. This individual/company/organization values family, community, and is passionate about assisting behind the scenes and with community events by consistently helping when called on.

Newton County Bicentennial Award- A citizenship award presented to an individual for their acts of service to the community, kindness and good deeds. All Newton County citizens are eligible to be nominated.

Hometown Business Award- A business in Newton County that has been in operation for 30+ years and is a staple in the community.

Award Review Guidelines

Each completed application packet will be scored based on nomination and community recommendation responses on a 100-point scale, with 20 points allocated to each area. Only one winner will be selected per award. Finalist will be selected strictly based on community nominations and systematic tallied votes.

Application Requirements

Applicant must provide the following completed information to be eligible for Newton County Bicentennial Awards:

  1. Completed application forms. Only completed applications will be considered.

  2. Bicentennial Nominations and Winners are for Newton County Citizens, Organizations and Businesses only.

  3. Each application or nomination must be accompanied by (3) three letters of recommendation from a community member or business within Newton County. We recommend the letter writers be familiar with the applicant’s accomplishments, performance, skills, character, and/or experience.

  4. Parental consent for minors.

  5. A 300–500-word essay stating why the applicant should receive the respective Newton County Bicentennial Award and how the applicant has demonstrated qualification for the award.

All the above items must be submitted before the application will be considered. The application and Letters of Recommendation for the award must be received by September 24, 2021. Applications that are incomplete or submitted late will not be reviewed nor considered. Applicants that are selected as finalists will participate in a scheduled virtual interview with the awards committee.

All documents unable to be submitted through the voting portal must be submitted to the Bicentennial Award Committee via email

The Bicentennial Award Winners will be notified in writing and the winners will be announced after all votes are tallied in December.

For additional information, please contact

Nominations Form