

Welcome to my website! See below for important announcements. 


The best way to reach me is through my email, ecajigal@cmsd12.org, or by writing a note in your child's planner. 

You can also reach me by phone at 719-527-0300 x22. If you receive my voicemail, please leave a message.

*Please note that I typically do not email or call during the school day, as that time is dedicated to teaching. I am available before school, and after school until 4:00 pm. I will always do my best to respond within 24 hours. 


8:00 - Morning Meeting

8:30 - Writing

9:10 - Specials

9:50 - Science/Social Studies

10:35 - Reading

11:25 - Recess and Lunch

12:10 - Quiet Time and Read Aloud

12:30 - Math

1:40 - Band

2:10 - Recess (students go to Guidance Counseling every other Tuesday from 2:10-2:50)

2:30 - Begin Packing up

2:50 - Dismissal