eBooks & Audio Books

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A collection of videos and chapter books in categories which include: eBooks, Read-Alongs, Graphic Novels, Videos from National Geographic, and Audio Books.

A Collection of eBooks and Audiobooks. All eBooks and Audiobooks Can Be Read or Listened to in Sora. Many can be read on Kindle and other eReader software.

Access to Livebray eBooks and Audiobooks with your Suffolk County Public Library Card

The Sora app is available for your mobile device

*School Login Required*

Various Non-Fiction Series on History and Technology Topics

*VRC Password Requried*

eBooks and Audiobooks from the Suffolk County Public Library System

You must have Library Card from a Suffolk County Public Library to use this service

Contact the school librarian or your local public library to find out how to get a library card

More than 50 years of searchable art publications free to download or read online

Read Over 56,000 eBooks in the Public Domain