Mrs. Engelhardt Room 17

Welcome to Room 17's Site! 

Click  the google meet icon in order to log into a meeting! Make sure you are logged on your computer with your SCHOOL google account.  To get to a meeting you will click JOIN and type in Room17rocks!

Please see the directions below for help with logging into Seesaw. 

Click the icon to the left to get to Seesaw!

Seesaw Student Login How-to.pdf

You can submit assignments on Google Docs!! 

Click the page icon to access the Google Docs sign-in page. 

Docs Sign-in instructions: 

Username: first&

Password: Huey(student's 4 digit code)

example: Huey1234

Guess what?!? You have a Gmail account. Click the icon to the left to access the Gmail 


Email sign-in instructions:


password:         Huey(student 4 digit code)

            example - Huey1234