Welcome to Welch Chemistry!

“It is so shocking to find out how many people do not believe that they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult.”

Frank Herbert, Dune 

About Mr. Welch

I am excited to begin my ninth year in education and my seventh year at Ardrey Kell High.  I earned my Bachelor's Degree in biology at UNC Chapel Hill and my Master's Degree in Science at UNC Greensboro where I researched the neurophysiology and metamorphosis of of the Eastern Mud Snail, Nassarius obsoletus

In my free time I enjoy reading, cooking, playing video games, and learning new things about science! 

Course Description

Chemistry is a challenging, math intensive course for students interested in developing a strong foundation in science, but it can also be a very fun and interesting class.  This class is generally required for admission to a college and requires strong problem solving and math skills.  Due to the 4x4 framework, a test is given approximately every 6th class.  We will move very quickly, so I encourage you to try not to miss a class! 

Required Materials

Tutoring is Available!

If you find yourself struggling, DON'T PANIC!  Extra help and tutoring are available! 

Tutoring is intended to assist students struggling with individual topics, not to reteach a unit. Tutoring is available after school by appointment according to the schedule below. Any and all are welcome to attend with questions big or small. I encourage you to be proactive and not wait until the last minute to get help if you need it.

The Tutoring Schedule is posted outside my door.

Science Department Retesting Policy

Performance assessments (not projects or writing assignments) can be retaken for up to an 80. Retests must be taken within three weeks of the original test. A student must have participated in reteaching opportunities in order to retest.  Teacher and student will find a mutually agreeable time for the retest within three weeks or learning their original test score.  

Were you Absent?

If you miss class, you should check your Canvas page.  There you will find the day's lesson as well as relevant homework assignments.  If you missed a test or a quiz, you should speak with me ASAP to arrange a make-up date.  I highly recommend that you make time to attend before or after school tutoring if you miss any class time. 

While I do not expect you to try to learn missed material on your own, your having previewed the material you missed on Canvas makes it a lot quicker and easier to get you caught up when you meet with me to review the material.