Our Handbook


*Email* I check my email first thing in the morning and right before leaving school.  If I have time during specials, I will try to check it then.  I try to respond to emails as quickly as possible.  This is the form of communication I prefer for you to use when you are trying to get in touch with me.  If you need to contact me about a change of transportation or for an emergency, please call the school.  My email is: jaime.keistler@cms.k12.nc.us

*Newsletters* Weekly newsletters will be posted on our classroom website. I will also email our weekly newsletter to you each week. 


*Letters & Agendas* I will send letters home as needed as well as writing notes in your child's agenda. 

*Telephone calls* You may call the school: 980-343-6725 if you need to get in touch with me but I prefer you only call the school when it's really important because I can not take calls in the middle of class time. That's why I prefer email because I can read and respond when I'm not in the middle of a lesson.  You may always email me and ask for me to call you when I can.  Please, however, call the school if your child has a change in transportation to home that comes up.  The school staff can give me the message.

*Scheduled Conferences* I will be happy to meet with you about any of your concerns throughout the year. Please email me to schedule a conference. Due to the high level of assistance that students need in the classroom, and to give your concern the undivided attention it deserves, it would not be fair to the students or you to hold “impromptu” conferences when dropping off/picking up students, or at lunch. 

The first of the year conferences are held at the end of September throughout October. I will email you about picking a time closer to the date for a conference. During this conference, you will meet with me to discuss progress, concerns, and to answer any questions you may have about your child or the academic program. Due to the number of conferences that I must attend, your conference will be limited to 20 minutes each. In addition, I would like to stress the importance of punctuality for everyone to get a fair share of the teacher’s time. There will be one appointment for each family. We are sensitive to the fact that many families operate in separate entities, but due to time constraints, we ask that both parents attend the same conference.       

Sharon School/CMS Academic Programs

*EL Literacy* (A phonics based program that stresses the importance of reading and writing and prepares students to successfully attack words and become flourishing readers/writers.)

*Math Envisions

*Science* (We will do several multi-intelligence integrated units as well as utilizing the CMS required exploration based program focusing on observation, inquiry, and investigation. We will learn a lot about animals, matter, and our world.)

*Social Studies* (We will learn about communities, school, traditions and customs, as well as many other topics about our world. We will use teacher created units that integrate the multiple intelligences.)  


School Behavior

Sharon School is a Positive Disciple school. We believe in the philosophy that children react best to positive situations and reinforcement, and thrive in an environment where they create the rules that their “class family” should abide by. We believe that there are consequences for every action, positive or negative depending on the choices that we make as individuals.  We encourage our students to make good choices in order to reap positive consequences. Please reinforce making good choices at home. Your support at home makes a huge difference in the classroom!  We offer many teachable moments for children to learn how to solve problems on their own, and be in control of their own destiny by making good choices.



We want every child to feel special on their birthdays. We will sing to them and make sure they feel special throughout the day. However, please remember it is CMS policy that cupcakes, cakes, special snacks are to be STORE bought. Please let me know in advance if you plan to bring a treat so I can verify all allergy information. 

Birthday party invitations are also not to be distributed at school. Please refer to the Sharon School directory for addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc. to obtain information for your child’s classmates.  We cannot by law distribute any child’s information to you. We follow these policies for safety issues as well as having many different children in our class, and we want each one to feel equally as special on their day.

Lunch-Breakfast Procedures/Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedures 

*Lunch-Breakfast Procedures* Each child will receive an account number where their money will be banked. You may send in a lump sum to be debited throughout the week/month/year, or you may send in money daily. The cafeteria accepts cash as well as checks made payable to Sharon School. Lunch money will be taken to the lunch room each morning. Your child will input their number in the cafeteria system at each meal, as it will be debited accordingly. Students are only allowed to buy ice cream or special items on FRIDAYS. I'd like them to focus on eating the healthy lunch you have provided for them.


*Drop Off* Morning carpool will occur at the front entrance/circle of the school. Students WILL NOT be allowed in the building until 7:30 a.m. You must wait in the carpool line until 7:30 a.m. If your child is late, you must sign in at the office before reporting to class.

*Pick Up* Dismissal is at 3:00. We would like to discourage late pickup. This stresses your child out greatly as they feel “forgotten about by mommy or daddy”! Please be mindful of the dismissal time. Our school will not allow early dismissal except for emergencies, family trips, etc. The administration will not allow early dismissal  to “beat the car pool line”!  If there is a change in transportation, you must SEND IN A NOTE to inform the teacher. These changes MUST be approved by the administration prior to the day’s end. If you forget to send in a note, telephone the administration ASAP! The child must go home as normal unless we receive a note! As a safety precaution, children will not be allowed to ride a different bus home for play dates as well.  

Tardies and Absences

*Tardies* If your child is late, YOU must sign them in. They may not be accepted in the class until they have a tardy pass. Please keep in mind that your child is missing valuable educational time when they come in late.

*Absences* Your child is expected to attend school everyday unless they are sick, on religious holidays, on an educational family trip, or if an emergency arises. Please send in a note when your child is absent. If a note is not sent in, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. If your child is sick, please keep them home. Our younger Eagles' immunities are low, so if a sick child comes in,  there is a possibility that a lot of kids will get sick. Please keep them home when they are sick!!!!