"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

2018-2019 Science SMART goal:

LRE students will increase science proficiency by 5% from 80% to 85% by the end of the 2018-2019 school year, as measured by the NC Ready Science EOG assessment.

85% of LRE students are grade level proficient in science, while 70% of LRE students are college and career ready in science, as measured by the EOG.

2018-2019 Science Materials and Resources: National Geographic Textbook, North Carolina Science Textbook, Discovery Education, Real School Gardens, Science A-Z, Explore Learning Gizmos.

2018-2019 Science Data Driven Instruction:

  • Do Now’s to analyze student understanding before units/lessons.
  • Check's for Understandings to analyze student understanding during lessons.
  • Exit tickets to analyze student understanding after lessons.
  • Common Assessments to analyze student overall grasp of NC Science standards.
  • Strategic Grouping to place students with the most effective teacher.
  • Data trackers to analyze student data.
  • Science Lab in special area rotation to expand school-wide science.
  • Student owned data trackers to promote and ensure students understanding and accountability.
  • Science Tutors to prepare 5th grade students for the NC Science E.O.G.