Communcation and Machine Learning Lab.

  • Our research interest includes communication systems, machine learning and information theory.
  • Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning
  • Distributed Computing
  • Energy Harvesting

- Introduction to Deep Learning will be held in undergraduate course in Fall 2018.

- Heecheol Yang was awarded the Gold Prize at 2017 IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest. (Dec. 2017)

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee contributes a column on FinTech with AI to Korea Times. (Dec. 2017)

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee contributes a column on FinTech based on AI to The Korea Economic Daily. (Nov. 2017)

- Wonjae Shin will be awarded the Award of the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea (1st) at IDIS-Electronic Times ICT Paper Contest in Dec. 2017.

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee contributes a cloumn on FinTech to JoongAng Ilbo. (Jul. 2017)

- We started to research the customized marketing model using Artificial Intelligence with Samsung Card. (Mar. 2017)

- Heecheol Yang was awarded the Bronze Prize at the 23rd Samsnung Electronics HumanTech Paper Contest! (Jan. 2017)

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee has been serving as an editor for IEEE wireless communications letters (WCL) since 2017.

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee and Wonjae Shin are co-organizing a workshop at IEEE VTC-Spring'17, Sydney, Australia (June 2017).

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee served as a TPC chair for JCCI 2016, Sockcho, Korea.

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee served as a TPC memeber for ITW 2016, Jeju, Korea.

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee served as a session chair for ICC 2015 and ICC 2016.

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee has served as an executive editor for ICT Express (English Journal).

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee has served as a chief editor for KICS Journal (Korean Journal).

- Wonjae Shin was awarded the SNU Long-term Studying Abroad Program Scholarship! (Jun. 2016)

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee contributes a cloumn on AlphaGo to Donga Science. (Mar. 2016)

- Yonghee Han was awarded the Bronze Prize at the 22nd Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Contest! (Jan. 2016)

- Wonjae Shin was awarded the participation prize at the 7th IDIS-Electronic Times ICT Paper Contest! (Dec. 2015)

- Wonjae Shin was awarded as the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters! (Jan. 2015)

- Wonjae Shin and Yonghee Han were awarded at IEEE student paper contest! (Dec. 2014)

- Prof. Jungwoo Lee won KICS-Dr. Irwin Jacobs (Qualcomm) award! (Oct. 2014)

- Hyungil Lee and Heecheol Yang won Qualcomm Global Fellowship! (Aug. 2014)

- No Information theory course (lectured by Prof. Jungwoo Lee) in 2014

- Homepage Renewed (Jan. 2014)

To prospective students

If you want to join CML, please send Prof. Jungwoo Lee an email including CV. It might be impossible to respond to every application due to a large amount of email. Do not be offended.