Welcome to 4th grade!

Welcome to 4th grade RLA!

In this class, we focus on developing students' abilities to read, write, research, and think critically, so that they can master state standards and build a foundation for future learning.

Hazelwood Elementary Mission Statement:

Students and Staff

Together with Parents




This Week's Homework

Hello! My name is Erica Boyle, and I'm very excited to be your child's 4th grade teacher. I cannot wait to get to know all of my new friends! I believe that every person can learn. It might take time to find the right tools, but if we work together, we can do it! I look forward to establishing a fun, collaborative, and rewarding learning experience for all students.

Personal Info

I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. It was there that I received my BA in Elementary Education from Carlow University in 2009. Shortly after graduating I got married. My husband spent 13 years in the Army and during that time welcomed two sons to our family. We also have 2 dogs and 3 cats. We have lived in New York, Hawaii, and Tennessee. Last year my husband chose to leave the Army and we decided to stay in Clarksville. I cannot wait to see what the next few years bring us!


Below are some great resources for families to utilize. The resources on the student side reinforce skills taught in the classroom. The resources on the parent side are to help parents navigate