Welcome to Sycamore Class

Term 1!

Welcome back. We hope you all have had a wonderful break and have enjoyed some lovely weather and family time.

We are looking forward to a busy, but fun first term with you all.  Mrs Morris will be teaching Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Wills Wednesday afternoon  until Friday.

Homework will be set on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Monday. 

PE day will be Monday and Enrichment afternoon will be on a Friday. You will soon find out which Enrichment group you are in.

Mrs Morris and Mrs Wills😃

Reminders for Term 1

🥛 Please make sure that all children bring a NAMED bottle of water with them to school every day and take it home with them at the end of the day. The children are asked to keep their water bottle in the classroom, away from their desk, just like last year. Many of the children have  very similar looking bottles so it is important they are all labelled.

🏃‍♂️ P.E is on  Monday afternoons this term and will be outdoors on the astro  The children can continue to wear their P.E kits into school on this day. We also will continue to  have Friday Enrichment Afternoon. 

📚 Homework will be set every Wednesday and will need to be returned the following Monday.  Spelling lists are available on this website but will be in homework books too. Please make sure that you are reading with your child frequently.  Children should be completing their daily targets on Doodle Maths. We recommend alternating between Doodle Maths and Tables to ensure that your child is confident with their times tables.  

🚀Accelerated reader quizzes are completed in school once your child has completed their reading book. We already know that the children in Sycamore class LOVE  to read which is so great to see. Please remind your child to read regularly at home and to bring their book to school every day.  The class have already had a successful year with Accelerated reader and it is wonderful to see the progress being made. The children will complete an accelerated reader assessment very soon to check that the books they are choosing in school are at a level with just enough challenge!


Let's practise our multiplication!

Every child in Sycamore Class has been given a log in to Times Tables Rock Stars. It is a brilliant resource to help with the mastering of ALL times tables which is a target forr Year 4 by the end of May. 

Please have a look at the letter which your child will bring home. It contains their username and password and will allow them access to TT Rock Stars in order to practise.