Differentiated Instruction

Occupational Therapist Resources

Yoga cards.pdf
Brain Breaks by Occupational Therapy.pdf

Brain Breaks

Scissor Skills by Occupational Therapy.pdf

Fine Motor Cutting

Paper Clip Worms

Visual-Vestibular activity 

home obstical course.pdf

Home Obstacle Course

Visual motor apps.pdf

Visual Motor Apps

Sensory systems.pdf

Sensory Information

Adaptations for instruction Resources

numbers before and after.docx

Learning Numbers : What comes before or after visual

OT Visual motor activities.pdf

Visual Motor Activities

Writing on a vertical surface.pdf

Writing Without a Pencil

Writing without a pencil.pdf

Writing on a Vertical Surface

Tracing Practice

Here are tracing games that are fun for home

By using paper and tracing around familiar objects or even smooth stones. This is wonderful for building eye hand coordination, strength and bilateral skills. All are important skills for student's goal😊

Change up what you trace with…crayons, markers, chalk or even a paintbrush dipped in water! Great sensory experiences to reinforce motor pathways.

 Click the buttons to follow the links to more resources and tools to use at home.

OT pre-writing paths.pdf

Tracing Practice

OT prewriting paths O.pdf

Tracing Practice

OT prewriting paths t.pdf

Tracing Practice