Frequently Asked Questions

I turned in an assignment but didn't get any credit, what now?

Once the work is turned in I collect it with a paperclip with all of the other assignments from that period. I stamp them, put them in, and then file them back in student folders. It is possible that I accidentally put your score in and handed it back, in which case you should show me the completed assignment with my stamp on it. If it is an assessment, I will have kept it and can go through the pile and check.

It is incredibly common for students to lie to me and tell me they handed it in when they didn't do it at all. Students tell me this lie almost every day. Because of this, I will not take your word for it. If you don't hand the assignment in to the right place at the right time, I can't promise that you will receive credit for it. That's why it's important to follow instructions and put work in the right place.