Mr. Renwick's Math 8

Welcome to Mr. Renwick's 8th grade math class. Below is the important information for the 2021-2022 school year.

Best way to contact the teacher: email -

Materials needed for class:

- Notebook - can be a basic 70 page one. Preferably by week 2.

- Book

- Pencils


- Assigned daily

- Will either be attaching a picture to google classroom or completing assignments on McGraw Hill (our textbook) website.


- The textbooks are paperback and consumable. Students will be writing in their books.

- The textbook has Volume 1 and Volume 2.

- Students will be able to access their textbook online through Clever

Grades are weighted as follows:

Assessments (Quizzes and Tests)……………… 60%

Assignments (Classwork, Homework, Participation) …………...…. 40%

Absent Work:

Have until the Sunday after the absence to turn in for full credit.

Late Work:

1 point deduction if turned in by Sunday of that week.

Test Retakes:

Students can do test corrections and earn up to 50% of lost points. Students have 2 weeks to submit corrections after the test has been returned.

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns: