We usually play a lot of Mini TFO videos in class.   https://www.youtube.com/c/MiniTFO. Many of their songs are no longer there, which makes me sad as they were incredibly useful for learning French.  It is still a fun little program. 

Radio Canada has some French TV shows for children as well.


Another idea, which I use personally as a French second language learner as well, is watch movies that I am very familiar with. I put on my Disney movies or Harry Potter movies in French instead of in English. We all know your child has a favourite movie that they could watch 42 times a day and they can recite the whole movie by heart, so why not put that movie on in French? They are familiar with the story, so they will understand what is happening. :)

T'Choupi and Barbapapa are both available on youtube. 

Find the insect 

Unicorn ten frames 

Monsters counting to 10 

Counting with fingers 

Spring vocabulary 

Spring counting 

Spring vocabulary

Spring syllables)

Spring letters 

Spring sentence building 

Spring syllables 

Rhyming (Rhyming)

Rhyming (Rhyming)

Fruits and vegetables 

Sentence building - transportation



Dinosaur sorting

Dinosaur measurement

Dinosaur graphing

Dinosaur letters

Dinosaur counting