Delce Academy News
Friday 22nd April 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you have all had a restful Easter break with your families and friends. This week, I have had the pleasure of welcoming the children to our brand new hall. Our assemblies have been the first ones (in-person) since September and it was a joy watching the children's faces light up with delight as they entered for the first time.

With a new term, comes new themes and core texts for our learning journeys. As I have walked through the school, it has been great seeing all the different topic launches, such as: Y3 dressed as Prime Ministers and Y1/Y2 blowing bubbles.

I look forwards to seeing these learning journeys continue and seeing you at the various events planned for this jam-packed term.

Best wishes,

Kate Taylor

Key Dates

Friday 29th April 2022

Parent Workshop - Equality and Diversity - Racism and Homophobia

'Join Mr. Adekoya as he discusses how we are tackling racism and homophobia through our curriculum and policies.

Friday 6th May 2022

Parent Visit to Classrooms

'An opportunity for you to visit the classroom with your child to look through books and celebrate all they have done.

Friday 13th May 2022

Parent Workshop - Zones of Regulation.
'This workshop with Mrs. Chandler aims to explore how the Zones of Regulation support our pupils in regulating their energy levels'

Friday 20th May 2022

Parent Workshop - Lego Therapy and Fine Motor

'Interested to hear about how Lego can help children talk about their feelings and build fine motor control at the same time? Then, this workshop with Mrs. Chandler and Miss Cook is for you!

Friday 27th May 2022

Breakfast with Books.

'Come and share a book with your child, whilst enjoying a drink and some toast. Further details to be confirmed via the Office and in the future newsletters'

Friday 27th May 2022

Last Day of Term.

EYFS and KS1

The first day back for Explorers has sure been a busy one! This week, our focus in Maths has been to recap and become more fluent in our number bonds to 10.

Additionally, through using the text, 'The Wall' as a stimulus, we have began to explore what fairness is. The story is about a King who builds a wall to banish those who are different to him... Until he realises that his realm can no longer flourish without other talents and expertise.

It was lovely to welcome Inventors back to class this week!

We started our new learning journey by predicting the problem in our new book 'Dougal's Deep-Sea Diary'. Afterwards, we used real bubbles to support us in generating adjectives for Dougal and the Sea Creatures

Year 3

What an amazing start to the new term, Year 3! We have kicked off our learning on the 'Accidental Prime Minster' by considering how the world might look if we let the children be in charge.

In addition to this, Year 3 explored the concept of light and why it is important. By creating small holes in boxes, we were able to identify the objects that sat inside.

Year 4

Year 4 has started the term by exploring their core text, 'Wonder' linking to our Global Theme on Inclusion and Diversity. This week, Year 4 have also been using a variety of activities to help recall information that we have learned within science to support them with their investigation into sound.

Year 5

This week in Year 5, we have explored our new core text, "Too Much Trouble”. Through using our Kagan strategies, we collaborated about the key themes of our text and inferred how the character feels in various situations. This has linked to our new curriculum topic "Social Justice" and how different crimes effect individuals and those who surround them.

Year 6

This week, Year 6 have made an excellent start to the new term. Through working collaboratively, we have applied a variety of strategies to recall our learning from this academic year.

In addition to this, we have been fortunate enough to have an external yoga instructor visit us on Tuesdays. We have enjoyed deep breathing and stretching activities as it has helped to centre our mind and body.

Delce Education Centre (DEC)

This week it was Edison's first trip to Curly's Farm. We were all very excited as we have had a lot of amazing experiences shared with us from Jackson class.

When we got there we learned the rules of a working farm so that we could keep ourselves and the animals safe. We then learned how to feed cows and alpacas and how to clean out their pens. After we made sure all of the animals were taken care of, we took turns walking with alpacas.

Equality and Diversity

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding another careers fair on the summer term. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to see different jobs in action and to learn about the skills and knowledge they will need to have successful careers in the future.

We are looking for volunteers to share their job role at the careers fair. If you feel this is something you would like to be involved in, we would love to accommodate you. Register your interest using this form:

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Thank you all for your support and connecting with the local community over the last term! We have decided to postpone the picnic tombola. Please continue to read the newsletter next week for further updates

Attendance Matters

Well done to Explorers , Earhart, Darwin and Edison classes for winning the attendance dinosaurs this week.

Our whole school attendance target is: 96%.

Community Notices

Are you part of local club or service that could benefit the children or adults in our community? Then please get in touch with the office to place a notice here.

For Partnership related news, please see the following link: