Delce Academy News
Friday 13th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

I write this week's newsletter having climbed a total of 132 flights of stairs and walked a total of 16 miles in the last five days. Needless to say, it has been busy week but an extremely rewarding one.

This week, we have come together as a school community to support our Year 6s in completing their SATS. The pupils in other year groups have shown respect and kindness by remaining silent as they have transitioned around the school. Our office team, kitchen staff and premises team have been so flexible with their work. Finally, I want to thank yourselves for your support in the changes to timetables.

Best wishes,

Kate Taylor

Key Dates

Friday 20th May 2022

Parent Workshop - Lego Therapy and Fine Motor

'Interested to hear about how Lego can help children talk about their feelings and build fine motor control at the same time? Then, this workshop with Mrs. Chandler and Miss Cook is for you!

Friday 27th May 2022

Breakfast with Books.

'Come and share a book with your child, whilst enjoying a drink and some toast. Further details to be confirmed via the Office and in the future newsletters'

Friday 27th May 2022

Last Day of Term.

EYFS and KS1

This week, Explorers Class have been working extremely hard on their sentence formation. We have applied our phonics knowledge to sound out the words that we want to write.

Inventors Class have had a busy week planning and writing their diary entry about Dougal's adventure.

In their mathematics, they have been sharing quantities equally between 2, 3 and 5 groups. By sharing one item, per group, they have learnt that sometimes, quantities cannot be shared equally.

Year 3

This week in Science, Year 3 discussed objects that reflect light. By using mirrors, we explored different reflections through tracing them. Afterwards, we reflected on the difference between a light source and objects that reflect light.

In our mathematics learning, we used a series of challenges in our table groups and measured (in seconds) how long it took each of us to complete each challenge. We then ordered these times and found the difference between the slowest and quickest times.

Year 4

This week, in Art, Year 4 have been exploring 'Cubism'. With a focus on a self-portrait, the children first sketched a face using correct proportions. Afterwards, they used their imagination to create portraits in the style of Pablo Picasso.

Year 5

Year 5 have been exploring the perimeter of various items around the classroom and school this week. We have even calculated the perimeter of the basketball court on the playground. Throughout the week we have investigated efficient methods to calculate the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes.

In English, we have particularly enjoyed creating tweets to sequence and summarise the key events from our core text "Too Much Trouble".

Year 6

Year 6 have had an extremely busy week completing their SATs. They have worked incredibly hard during the build up and it was lovely to see them have an opportunity to show off everything they have learnt up to now.

All the adults in school are very proud of each and every one of them!

Delce Education Centre (DEC)

In Jackson class, we worked together to plant gladioli. We learnt that some plants grow from some seeds and some grow from bulbs.

Learning how to take care of our plants and what they need to grow was our main focus and we look forward to watching them sprout in the near future.

Equality and Diversity

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding another careers fair on the summer term. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to see different jobs in action and to learn about the skills and knowledge they will need to have successful careers in the future.

We are looking for volunteers to share their job role at the careers fair. If you feel this is something you would like to be involved in, we would love to accommodate you. Register your interest using this form:

Attendance Matters

Well done to Darwin, Explorers, Wright and Edison classes for winning the attendance dinosaurs this week.

Our whole school attendance target is: 96%.

Community Notices

Esmae (Wright Class) is raising money for Little Princess Trust. She has been inspired by her cousin and in order to raise money she is going to cut her hair. If you would like to support her good cause, please click the link: here.

Are you part of local club or service that could benefit the children or adults in our community? Then please get in touch with the office to place a notice here.

Here are some top tips to keep your child safe online from our IT provider, LGFL. For the full sized version, please click: here

For Partnership related news, please click: here.