Recordings & Resources

Recordings & Resources

The following session recordings and resources have been created during live sessions and include question and answer as well a deeper look at a number of tools and strategies. These are certainly appropriate for review by educators, instructional assistants, and other professionals.


5 Online Resources English Learners Can Use Independently

5 Tips to Support English Learners in Any Content Classroom

Accommodations vs Modifications

Accommodations vs Modifications for IA's (Password: 8L*^0Pv& )

All Things Google Drive

Asynchronous vs Synchronous Learning (Click title for Recording)

Autism 101: Part 1

Autism 101

Autism 101 (5/18) (Password: 7m^5g298 )

Behavior Management: Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior (Password: 2J@.PuO@)

Built in Accessibility Features of iOS- iPad/iPhone

Can Do Descriptors: A Resource for Supporting English Learners in Content Classrooms (Password: 1I%2+AR6)

Classroom Management

Classroom Management for Synchronous Instruction (Password: 4H?XH3?^ )

Part 2 (Password: 8n+76wYs)

Differentiated Instruction

  • Session Slide Deck

Effective Math Instruction for the Special Education Learner

E-Signature Training

Executive Functioning

FREE Chrome Extensions for Accessibility (click for session recording)

FREE Literacy Resources for Online Learning

Fostering Communication Opportunities for Students (Password: 7I@3CO%7 )

G-Suite for Education: Google Calendar (Access Password: o2*a+d+t)

G-Suite for Educators: Google Drive

Getting Started with Flipgrid

Getting Started with Google Classroom

Getting Started with Google Sites

Getting Started with Newsela

Getting Started with Screencastify

Getting Started with Zoom (click title for session recording)

Gifted Teacher Networking

Google Chrome Extensions

Google Docs and Slides

Google Drive: Level 2

Google Drive Part 2 (Ouly - April 30)

Google Forms

Google Slides: Using for Presentations & Beyond

Incorporating Speech Generating Devices through Virtual Learning

IEP Goals and Data Collection in a Virtual Setting: ES

IEP Goals and Data Collection in a Virtual Setting: Life Skills

IEP Goals and Data Collection in a Virtual Setting: MDS-B

IEP Goals and Data Collection in a Virtual Setting: MDS-F

IEP Goals and Data Collection in a Virtual Setting: Speech

IEP Goals and Data Collection in a Virtual Setting: Vision

Increasing Online Engagement (Password: 4E*!B$5i )

Intermediate Grade 3-5 Teachers

Introduction to cK-12 (Password: 1y$BMW@^ )

Introduction to CommonLit (Password: 5D=Z2^+6)

Introduction to EdPuzzle (Password: 4W?7qX52)

Introduction to Google Meet

Introduction to Seesaw

Math Intervention Strategies

Next Steps with Google Classroom

Next Steps with Zoom

Online Science for Educators who Teach Diverse Learners

Organizing Content for Remote Instruction (Click title for Recording)

PBIS for Virtual Learning - for School Staff

Positive Behavior Supports In the Home (Access Password: E5!h791i)

Positive Behavior Supports in the Home #2 (Password: 4j&$R%=@)

The Read Aloud

Secondary English Teachers

Remind Tutorial

Self Care for Educators (Click title for recording)

Simulated Learning Opportunities for Students with Autism and/or Developmental Disabilities

Social Studies Teacher Networking

Strategies for Working Effectively from Home

Supporting Effective Instructional Strategies

Supporting Instruction with Technology Resources

Supporting Student Motivation

Supporting Students with Hearing Loss (Password: 0k+2Yf6T )

Supporting Students with Traumatic Brain Injury (Password: 1F*=S@q= )

Teacher Showcase (Password Access: 8p^K6@19)

Using Choiceboards to Support Differentiated Instruction (Password: 8X+rNd@2)

Using Class Dojo for Remote Learning

Video modeling as a learning tool for students who have ASD or Developmental Disabilities

Virtual Classroom Management (Password: 9K@t^Os7)

World Language Teacher Networking - Resources

Writing Resources & Routines for Online Learning

Zoom: How to Support Teachers and Students with Remote Learning