Professional Development


Clint ISD has developed a plan to guarantee that all staff will be able to teach students through the I-LEARN@HOME program. Teachers will be trained, during the July, professional development week to utilize the G Suite platform to hold virtual meetings or hangouts with their students. Teachers will also be provided a refresher on using Google Docs, Nearpod, and other applications to assist them with engaging students.

July 2020 Staff Development

The teachers will also have two planning days with their campus administration and Instructional Content Coordinators to design both direct instruction lessons that are conducted through google hangouts or a self-paced asynchronous projected/lesson that students can complete on their own. All teachers will plan for the first six weeks of instruction to include both directed instruction and pre-prepared activities.

All new teachers are assigned a mentor who will coach them and support them with creating virtual learning activities and pre-prepared lessons. They will also have ongoing professional development sessions based on teacher need. Clint ISD uses the New Teacher Center and coaching model with weekly check-ins and support sessions. Mentors will continue to review lessons, ensure virtual learning is occurring and ensuring that the asynchronous pre-prepared lessons are aligned to the TEKS and pacing guides.

The July 2020 Professional Development Week schedule for Secondary is as follows:

October 2020 Professional Development

Clint ISD has professional days embedded during the calendar year. With the implementation of the I-LEARN@HOME program, teachers will need continued support. October 30, 2020 will be a professional development session that will have focus on using our I-LEARN equipment which can support students with recorded lessons. The training will also focus on creating projects and pre-prepared lessons.

January 2021 Professional Development

The January professional day will review the student assessment and MAP data and will focus on reviewing the pacing guides and ensuring that students are progressing on their learning. The use of the I-LEARN equipment will be embedded and the format will be on online learning.

February 2021 Professional Development

The February professional day will review the student assessment and Benchmark data with a focus on reviewing the pacing guides and ensuring that students are progressing on their learning. Interventions for the March intersession program will also be created. The use of the I-LEARN equipment will be embedded and the format will be on online learning. STAAR intervention will also be embedded in the training.

Ongoing Professional Development

The District uses the PLC structure for ensuring that teachers are reviewing data and teacher collaboration during the lesson planning process. As the campus administration conducts walkthroughs, they will determine which teachers are in need of support with using the asynchronous instructional method on online interactive equipment. The content coordinators will review requests from the administration to offer support to teachers and schedule accordingly. The curriculum coaches will conduct campus based professional development to ensure all staff is using the I-LEARN tools and applications to provide the appropriate level of instruction to our students. There is a schedule of meetings, conducted by the content coordinators, with the curriculum coaches to provide training and support. This District has created a website to support teachers with online learning and asynchronous learning:

Curriculum Coach Meetings

The Curriculum and Instruction Department will meet with our campus Curriculum Coaches to review the pacing guides, ensure they have the G Suite knowledge to assist teachers, and review asynchronous learning programs. The Curriculum Coaches have a monthly training session in which the District staff will align and ensure that they are supporting the campus teachers with not only developing projects and learning modules for the students, but ways that they can have a direct instructional approach to learning.

Campus Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

Since students will be at home and teachers in the classroom, PLC meetings will be necessary to review student progress. PLC’s will meet weekly with no exceptions. The Campus administration will use the pacing guides to meet with their PLC’s weekly and ensure that staff is on pace with the curriculum and to provide support for technology if needed.

Furthermore, the curriculum coaches, content coordinators and administration will review lesson plans and all asynchronous projects to ensure that they are aligned to the pacing guides.

Any teachers who need assistance with asynchronous projects will meet with the curriculum coaches to assist them with developing appropriate lessons.

Curriculum Content Coordinators

The District level Content Coordinators will assist teachers during their PLC’s but also through classroom visits. The Coordinators will monitor any self-paced or pre-prepared lessons and provide feedback and support to teachers. The administrators will also contact the content coordinators to schedule supports for any teachers in need of assistance. The Instructional Technology Coordinators will assist with teachers who may need support with recording progress in Skyward to denote student progress and attendance. Campus staff will also be available to train teachers on the LMS process.

Campus Administration Classroom Monitoring

All campus administration will be conducting walkthroughs, via remote observation with software, and providing feedback on the teacher direct instruction. The campus administration will also review projects and progress for students how are on an asynchronous learning program. T-TESS processes and SLO identification will also be occurring as scheduled by the District’s timeframe. The administration will monitor all teachers planning and instructional delivery with these models.