Clase de espanol

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Bienvenidos a la clase de espanol

Welcome to the world of Spanish. Spanish is all around us whether here in Cliffside Park or in just about any city or town in the country. Knowing Spanish makes traveling to over 20 countries easy and enjoyable! It serves as an excellent complement to any future career choice.

A language is all about communication no matter what the level of the learner.

The elementary school World Language program offers weekly exposure to the Spanish language. Topics are broad and include such items as basic shapes and animals for the younger grades to verb structure and cultural enrichment for the older students. Acquisition of any language is dependent upon repetition before new material is introduced. Lessons are therefore cumulative in nature. Short homework assignments will be posted periodically for reinforcement purposes.

At the end of the elementary years students are prepared for continued study when they enter middle school.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if any questions or concerns arise.

Have a great day!

Mr. Richard Leighton