Student Government Association

Welcome to the Student Government page! This year, Student Government will hold elections electronically. If a student is interested in running for 1 or more of the 5 positions available, they must first sign up using the Student Government Google Classroom.

For Executive Positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, you will have to submit a written document and prepare a 1-2 minute video speech which will try to convince middle school voters to vote for you. Only students in Grade 8 are able to run for the positions of President and Vice-President. Students in all grades are able to run for Homeroom Rep as well as one of the four (4) Executive Positions.

Details are available on the Student Government Google Classroom.


The Clementon Elementary School's Student Government Association (aka SGA or Student Council) is a student leadership organization whose main goals are:

1) to generate and pursue ideas that may improve the quality of the educational experience for all students at CES;

2) to promote high quality academic and social activities that enhance the life of students at CES; and

3) to serve as a liaison group between the administration and the student body at CES.


The faculty advisor for the SGA is Mrs. Erica Risser, School Social Worker. She can be reached at (865)783-2300 x1029.