Why I Recommend Ipad’s Over the Macbook’s.

by Max Stickler

Over the past four years, I've had the opportunity to use both the iPad and the MacBook. I've found that I prefer the iPad’s over the MacBook’s and here are four reasons why I think this. The iPads small size for on the go use and the creativity options coupled with the simplicity and the versatility makes the iPad better than the MacBook overall. 

The iPads are easier to carry than the MacBook. When it comes to iPads and MacBooks, you might see they're the same size folded up but when you open a computer, you will see that the computer is almost double the size of a regular iPad. A regular MacBook weighs in around 2.8 pounds and a regular iPad weighs about 1.5 pounds. When you find yourself walking from class to class with a heavy bag on your back, you will find it more comforting to subtract that extra weight from your bag.

The iPad allows you to be more creative than the MacBook. On the iPad, you can do tons of things that will expand your creativity levels. There are hundreds of different drawing applications and software on the iPad that allow you to expand your creativity to new horizons. You might be able to luck out and find a drawing app on your MacBook but using your mousepad to draw is not a fun nor easy way to draw. The iPad allows you to either draw directly on the screen using your finger or using an electric pencil. There are apps that allow you to make different forms of creative art such as 3D and graphic design. The iPad has multiple applications and software capabilities that you can use to fulfill any creative needs.

The iPad’s versatility is something that the MacBook can't compete in. The iPad has a keyboard that is bluetooth connected so you are not obligated to use the keyboard. If you ever even feel like it, you can turn your once iPad into a computer ever so quickly but the MacBook can't turn into an iPad. There are also accessories such as the Apple Pencil that is also bluetooth compatible so you can use it anytime you want. Rather than using your finger to draw, you can use the Apple Pencil to draw with more precision and accuracy. There are also magnetic cases which allow you to take your iPad off and on the case with ease. 

The MacBook isn't totally helpless in this comparison though. The MacBooks storage is something the iPad most definitely cant compete with. When you compare the average iPad storage to the average MacBook storage, you will find the MacBook has 192 gigabytes of more storage in comparison to the iPad. The MacBook has 256 gigabytes of storage which can hold a whopping 8,732 images which is more than anyone could possibly need. 

If you have the money to buy either the iPad or the MacBook, I think you should buy the iPad. The iPad has so much more to it in comparison to the MacBook. If you buy an iPad over a MacBook, you’ll be able to save yourself some extra money on top of having a nice machine that will meet all of your needs.