Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!

Dear 7 West Families,

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! We are incredibly excited to have you on the team. Our first priority is for all of us to truly celebrate this new year and to learn together in the best way possible. 

We always want to hear from you so that we can take the best care of our families as possible. Our contact information is below; feel free to give us a call or email!


Team 7 West


This Week's Curriculum Overview

Click the images below to see what you can expect to be doing in your core classes this week!




Social Studies

Upcoming events

12/22 - 1/3 - No School; Winter Break

1/4 - Classes resume, Q3 begins

1/13 - No School for Students; Teacher PD Day

1/16 - No School; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

  Contact Us!

Caitlin Mooney

Science 7

Classroom phone: 314-854-6445

Erin Ott

Literacy 7

Classroom phone: 314-854-6438

Christine Schneiderhahn


Classroom phone: 314-854-6416

Emily Szyman

Social Studies 7

Classroom phone: 314-854-6432

Find us on Instagram! 

Request to follow us at wydown7west by emailing Caitlin Mooney!