Interested in Strings?

Interested in using a fee waiver instrument?

Fee waiver instruments are available to families who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunches from school. You may rent an instrument from LPS for $0 for the year if you qualify. You MUST fill out the following two forms.

Renting an instrument from a local store?

See the list below

Capital City Strings, Inc. 145 S 56th St #B 402-975-8182

CGS Music * 1244 High St 402-328-0677

Dietze Music Briarhurst 5555 S 48th St 402-434-7454

Dietze Music East 6401 Q St. 402-476-6644

Palmer’s Music * 3534 S 48th St #2a 402-423-6702

The Violin Shop * 1641 S. 17th St 402-474-1640

*String (Double) Basses are available at these locations