
Books are uniquely portable magic."— Stephen King

Middle School Assignments

High School Assignments

Directions: Ensure that you complete an assignment for each course that is listed below that matches with your schedule for next year.  Ensure that you complete each assignment entirely by the first day of school as it will be handed in and count towards a test grade for marking period 1.  

General & CEP 

English Courses

Complete the course assignments that either corresponds to your grade level or reflective of your schedule.  If you are taking an AP English course, skip this section and go to the AP section.

General & CEP

High School Social Studies Courses

Complete the course assignments that corresponds to your schedule. If you are taking an AP Social Studies course, skip this section and go to the AP section.

Advanced Placement

Complete the coursework for the AP that appears on your schedule.  If you are enrolled in one of these AP English or Social Studies courses, you do not have to complete that coursework above.