Welcome to Grade 7!

We are so excited for all of the fun and engaging things that are to come this year.

As we work to prepare students to move on to high school we are taking a particular focus on student organization, responsibilty, leadership and independence. We have set our expectations of our students very high and we are excited to watch them rise to the challenge.

We encourage students to take a more active role in their education with regards to emailing teachers and asking for help when they have questions as they transition from 'students' to 'scholars' this year. 

That said, we are always available to answer any parent questions or address concerns via email.

Mrs. McLeish - amcleish@cisdv.bc.ca

Mrs. Toner - htoner@cisdv.bc.ca

Ms. Blackey - mblackey@cisdv.bc.ca

REMINDERS (updated November 28)