Alvin, Trinity, Karin, and Bettina

Alvin Heung

Research Question : Why is Long Jing tea so rare and expensive?


trinity chan

research questions:

what is your family's history at the tea village?

what is the process of making tea?

which day/season is the best to harvest tea?

since when have you been working at this village?


  • throughout the entire project, our challenge is that it takes a long time and alot of explanation to the interviewees for them to understand and. reply to our interview questions. some of them are really helpful, and gave us lots of answers in a short amount of time, but some of the interviewees were quite unwilling to share their ideas, and refused to be recorded. however, after some coaxing, they finally relented and answered to our quesrtions honestly and helpfully, letting us understand their family backgrouynd and the tea village a little more. another challenge is that my groupmates and i were occasionally unable to have good communication amongst ourselves, which lead to a certain degree of misunderstanding and the repetition of questions. however, at the end of all that, we were able to bond as a team and we learnt alot more than we would have as individuals.
  • when it came to the personal response, my group and i initially agreed to do a group project. however, we were unable to find a time to do it together, as well as the repetitive use of footage. therefore, in the end, we decided to do it individually, but we helped each other through our writer's block and other hard times.

I wrote a short story from the old woman's perspective, as she struggles with her identity and her worth in the the society.

Outcast: ument/d/1lrWx2k1D58UFBNF7yOj5vciUzgOuOKpqE1W4Ze8w8jU/edit

Karin Wang

Research Question:

Why is tea so popular in China?

Thoughts after project:

  • In this project, I learnt a lot through visiting and interviewing the villagers in the Shifeng Mountain. Although we encountered multiple problems and difficulties during the field work, we managed to overcome the feeling of failure and rejection to continue our journey. Through editing the video and footage, I came to realise the importance of tea and how much it impacted China.

Room for improvement:

  • More information could be included in the video but because of some limitations, we couldn't interview a lot of people. The gathered information was also quite shallow as villagers are not familiar with tea culture and the outside world.