Educating for Life and Peace.

We care for and respect the dignity of childhood and youth, based on the pedagogical principles developed by Maria Montessori. We accompany them in their growth into autonomous, responsible, and conscious human beings.

Somos una escuela que aplica de manera fiel la pedagogía Montessori para poder transformar la manera de vivir el aprendizaje. Esto lo hacemos invitando a cada estudiante a conocerse a sí mismo, a reconocer sus necesidades, aprendiendo a cubrirlas a través de acciones inteligentes en relación con el ambiente y a tomar decisiones acordes a su edad para resolver las situaciones cotidianas que se les presenten.

We are a school that faithfully implements Montessori pedagogy to transform the living of learning experience. This involves inviting each student to discover themselves, recognize their needs, and learn to meet them through intelligent actions in relation to the environment, and to make age-appropriate decisions to handle everyday situations.

The Centro Internacional María Montessori (CIMM) is a non-profit, socially-oriented cooperative made up of worker members and families who, as investing members, support this project. Registered as EDUCARE SCA, this educational center is known as the first MONTESSORI MÁLAGA school, with over 10 years of history since its inception. Since then, we have been accredited in Spain as an international center. Our team of Montessori Guides (teachers) is certified by the International Montessori Association (AMI). We undergo continuous quality control by the New England Association of Schools’ International Education Commission (NEASC), making us a bilingual Spanish-English center.