Seminario Interinstitucional de Matrices Aleatorias
SIMA 2024
October 30th-November 1st, 2024
UADY, Merida, México
Random matrices are today one of the most vigorous, active, and relevant areas of research, as also shown by the growing number of conferences on these topics and their history, as well as considerable applications in challenging state-of-the-art problems within other disciplines such as wireless communication systems, statistics, physics, financial mathematics, biology, chemistry, machine learning, among other areas.
SIMA is an event that has been organized by the mexican group in Random Matrices and Non-Commutative Probability, since 2009. This event brings national and international specialists in the field of Random Matrices and related areas.
Daniel Perales (Texas A&M University)
Arturo Jaramillo (CIMAT)
Chiara Amorino (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Daniel Perales (Texas A&M University)
James Melbourne (CIMAT)
Jorge Garza Vargas (CalTech)
Juan Carlos Pardo Millán (CIMAT)
Julian Zazueta Obeso (CIMAT)
Katsunori Fujie (Kyoto University)
Natalia Cardona (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Osvaldo Angtuncio Hernández (CIMAT)
Samuel Gurrola (CIMAT)
Saylé Sigarreta Ricardo (BUAP)
Sheng Yin (Baylor University)
Tulio Gaxiola (UAS)
Víctor Pérez Abreu
Confirmed Participants
Arturo Jaramillo (CIMAT)
James Melbourne (CIMAT)
Josué Ríos Cangas (UAM)
Josué Vázquez Becerra (CIMAT-UAS)
Julian Zazueta Obeso (CIMAT)
Mauricio Salazar (ENSOG)
Octavio Arizmendi Echegaray (CIMAT)
Samuel Gurrola (UG)
Sayle Sigarreta Ricardo (BUAP)
Tulio Gaxiola (UAS)
Víctor Pérez Abreu
Arturo Jaramillo (CIMAT)
Beatriz Carely Luna (CONAHCYT-UPN)
Daniel Perales (Texas A&M University)
Henry Pantí (UADY)
Irving Adair Barajas Chavez (UAS)
James Melbourne (CIMAT)
Jorge Garza Vargas (CalTech)
Josué Ríos Cangas (UAM-Iztapalapa)
Josue Vazquez Becerra (CIMAT)
Juan Carlos Pardo Millán (CIMAT)
Julian Zazueta Obeso (CIMAT)
Katsunori Fujie (Kyoto University)
Mario Eduardo Ríos Ruiz (UAS)
Mauricio Salazar (ENSOG)
Octavio Arizmendi Echegaray (CIMAT)
Osvaldo Angtuncio Hernández (CIMAT)
Samuel Gurrola (CIMAT)
Saylé Sigarreta Ricardo (BUAP)
Sheng Yin (Baylor University)
Tulio Gaxiola (UAS)
Víctor Pérez Abreu
Organizers: Octavio Arizmendi (CIMAT), Tulio Gaxiola (UAS), Henry Pantí (UADY)
Supported by :
This workshop is partially supported by CONACYT Grant CB-2017-2018-A1-S-9764.