One of Mexico's most important buslines

My role

Product Designer


Passenger transportation

Autobuses de la Baja California (ABC) is one of Mexico’s largest passenger bus company dominating over the Baja California peninsula region and other areas south the US border. It serves an extense set of routes and possesses a large fleet of buses ranging from economic and touristic units to executive services. Dating back to the early 1960s, ABC holds extensive knowledge of its territory, passengers and dynamics. For this reason ABC decided to move towards the digital age when information became not only problematic but even impossible to handle.  

The core problem

A multi-factor problematic

ABC turned out to be a very old-fashioned company, still using paper for almost every operation & intelligence repo. Almost every worker at ABC worked under high pressure and with limited and slow tools, and clients would often find themselves stuck in long lines for non-existent bus rides. 

My first encounter yielded a much greater understanding of what their problem was: they needed to completely reengineer their business logic and adopt new and best practices. 

ABC's former operation

The solution

Design process

We wanted to give ABC every technological capacity available so that they could harness the power of their information they processed. I understood that this project would be a long-term relationship and set forth the grounds to deliver a fitting solution. This is how I organized the first 3 large sprints:

I chose to produce a fully interactive Axure prototype so that we could test features with different employee sets. I chose all core interactions from the start so that ABC’s employees could easily identify conceptually-compatible actions across the platform.

Traditional design-thinking methodologies were used, but distance between HQ and ABC’s central hub made us transition to long distance testing, click heatmapping & even eye tracking for certain experiments.

The POS was designed & tested during a 1 week design sprint in ABC’s central hub. The Axure prototype allowed us all to input real data into the proto-POS and then test it with real users and employees. Final modifications were provided through the use of Optimal Workshop software.

I devised a Design System for ABC which could be reused and retooled every time a new screen or feature was created. 

ABC's current operation


Other developments

Continuous design and development

ABC chose to continue working on their business redefinition and digitalization. I designed more features allowing automatization of other aspects of the platform (e.g. bus reassignment) and helped them during their descentalization process (promoted by State policies). More than 7 sprints have been conducted, allowing us to better understand the needs of their users. ABC is now more focused on serving their passengers than on trying to control their own internal workings. 

Things that ere recently worked on include:

Numbers and references

Currently operating

From april’s 2018 productive deployment

3,251,029 sold tickets to date 

U$D 29,258,429.06 sold ($563,404,274.14MXN) in 15 months


Gallery view within the ABC web admin panel.
Service list view within the ABC web admin panel.
Special trip selection in the ABC client-side webpage.
Mid-fi prototype of ABC's POS which runs on 800x600px screens. The POS is mostly handled using keyboard shortcuts due to user's demand.
Mid-fi prototype of ABC's core management system with an animated loader on top of a blackbox.
Mid-fi concept of ABC's financial + payments management subsystem.