Social Media Guidelines

These guidelines are intended for all pupils who wish to create a school social media account.

Before creating any social media account at CHS you must discuss your social media requirements as well as your strategy, goals, messaging and best practices with the External Relations Team.

Social media provides us with a powerful platform through which CHS can disseminate relevant news to its community, listen to voices and perceptions of CHS, connect with our audiences online and spread the word about the CHS experience. However there is the potential for significant risks associated with inappropriate use.

Social media channels can include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and blogs.

Creating CHS social media accounts

  • Before creating any social media account at CHS you must discuss your social media requirements as well as your strategy, goals, messaging and best practices with the External Relations Team.

  • All accounts must be registered with the External Relations Team. Please complete this registration form

  • The username and password must be shared with the External Relations Team. If the password is changed, the External Relations Team must be informed immediately.

  • All school accounts must include ‘CHS’ in the username and include the school crest as the avatar. The External Relations Team will advise on the use of the CHS crest.

  • All accounts should follow the Main School account.

  • Social media accounts should not be created for stand-alone events or one-off projects.


  • Any content published on a CHS social media account reflects on the school, its pupils, staff and wider community.

  • Confidential information should never be posted online.

  • Images or films must never be published without an individual's permission (refer to Use of Identifiable Images and Video and Film and Privacy Notices).

  • Ensure that all content shared on official channels is accurate.

  • If you unintentionally post something online that is incorrect, correct it as quickly as possible.

  • If you receive any media interest in your social media account, you must inform the External Relations team (

  • Social media channels must be continually updated and monitored. Accounts that have been inactive for more than one month may be subject to deactivation or deletion.

Best Practices

We have created a number of best practices and guidelines for social media to help you get the most out of their social media account.

  • Post regularly and consider the timings of posts.

  • You can make the account private to keep track of your followers

  • Don’t forget to keep the External Relations team informed of any activities which you’d like promoting further/wider across the School

  • Set reminders for yourself to publish your content - because Instagram can only be populated using mobile phones, which should not be used during lessons it can be easy to forget to post content

  • “In any doubt, leave it out” - the school and staff are liable for anything it posts online - including the use of hashtags or tagging in external accounts. It’s worth taking a moment to review each post and consider how it will be viewed outside CHS - i.e. tagging in an external organisation can look like endorsement. Please ask the External Relations Team for advice.

Need further support?

Any questions? A member of the External Relations team will be happy to help. Simply drop in to the office or email us on and a member of the team will come back to you as soon as possible.