Technical Services

If you require IT Support you can either email us at or pop into Broomefield House to discuss your IT query or issue with us.

How to connect your device to the CHS-BYOD network

  1. In the Wi-Fi settings on your device, connect to the wireless network CHS-BYOD.

  2. Open in your browser.

  3. If it opens the Smoothwall log in page then proceed to log in with your CHS username (e.g. joebloggs27) and password.

  4. If it does not open the Smoothwall log in page but instead displays 'Connection not private', you will need to scroll to the bottom and select 'Advanced' and then select 'Proceed / Visit this website anyway'. *You may need to repeat this step twice to open the Smoothwall Log in page*

  5. If some websites do not display correctly, please browse to and install the Smoothwall certificate.

  6. If you experience any issues, first please make sure you are logged in to Smoothwall (see above steps), and if the issue persists, either email, inform your teacher or come and see us at Broomefield House.

Getting started with Google Classroom & Google Drive

Not seeing anything above? Reauthenticate

Not seeing anything above? Reauthenticate

Loan Laptops

Over in Broomefield House we offer the option to loan you a laptop should you have forgotten yours. These laptops are set up for school use only and are to be returned to us at the end of the day. Each loaned laptop will be recorded in our log books.

Acceptable IT Use Agreement

Acceptable IT Use Agreement (Senior School)